Thursday, 29 June 2017

One Photo, 20 words

The season is over.  Just a few weeks left of training and I get my family back!


Saturday, 24 June 2017

They only went and won!!!

So today saw us all (bar Alex who went to the cinema with Mum to see Baywatch) over at Len Forge for the Round Robin Lee had organised for the team.

He had invited 3 other local teams that were pretty evenly matched to us to play and it was fun and decent football all round.

 And then they went and won the event!!!!
How to end on a high!!!!

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Bursting with pride...

Alex went and had food and drinks with Mr Houchen, the Principal of his school earlier this week in celebration of his achievement of winning the Jack Petchy award.
Considering all the hassle and grief he's still getting at school, this just proves that he's going to be fine later in life.

Love you to the moon and back Alexander.

Keep your chin held high, we are all so proud of you.


Tuesday, 20 June 2017


It was a bit of a manic one last night as I had Beavers to run and then Nicholas had induction into Eastwood straight after.

In between that time, Cassandra was at Cubs with Lee, taking part in a Dad's Day event (no idea what they were doing), but at the end of it, she got invested into 3rd Prittlewell Cubs...
We'll see how long she lasts there...


Monday, 19 June 2017

One photo, 20 words

Just Beautiful.

Daddy's Day!

Dad's day arrived and after picking up Cassie from her Cubs sleepover, it was gifts and hugs for Lee.
Lee had previously said that he'd like to spend the day at Colchester Zoo for Father's Day with all of us, so courtesy of good ole Tesco and their vouchers, we all set off, stopping en route at Little Chef for an Olympic Breakfast.
Hot wasn't in it and many of the animals were not playing ball as they were sleeping or inside in the shade..

We did however get to see the sealion show before melting..

After a couple of hours I couldn't stand the moaning about the heat any more, so we all came home.

We did however then put the pool up in the garden and a very welcome cool down was had by all!
Happy Father's Day Lee x


Saturday, 17 June 2017

Just beautiful..

Cassandra had the opportunity to have a professional photo shoot done earlier today, by the lovely Frances of Francesme Photography.

This is just one of her photos.. I can't wait to see the others!

This is the link to her FB page:


Friday, 16 June 2017

Very PROUD Mummy moment...

"If you think you can, you can...." 

Inspiring words from Sir Jack Petchey.

I received a call on Wednesday from Alex, who was at school, so excited to tell me that he'd won the prestigious Jack Petchy Award!!
I was so so thrilled for him.  He was nominated for his support towards other students and the development and running of a Warhammer Club at lunchtime.

Eastwood Academy is part of the Jack Petchy Achievement Award Scheme.  The scheme is a reward and recognition initiative which enables schools and youth organisations to celebrate the achievements of their students and only 2 or 3 students win this award each term.

Alex receives £250 to spend at school to be donated to whatever department he choses to give it to (I'm thinking it may just go towards the club), he gets to have a meeting with the Principal of the school to talk about his achievement and to also attend an award ceremony at the Palace Theatre next week, where he will be up on stage to receive his medal.

I'll be there cheering him on.

Mummy bragging rights...


Wednesday, 14 June 2017

One Photo, 20 words...


Cricket anyone?

So Nicholas was chosen to be part of the school cricket team on Monday taking part in the District Cricket Tournament held over at Garons in Southend.

I hate cricket.  It's up there with golf... But there I was, doing the supportive Mum thing, standing in the wind, cheering Team Blenheim and he on.
Despite some impressive bowling..
 and batting...
They lost out to Allyan Court in the Quarter Finals.

"Catch" was my word of the day!

Love my role...

I truly love being involved in Scouting, the opportunities that it can offer kids of all ages is just amazing...

So I was more than happy to give up my Saturday last week to take a group of 3rd Prittlewell's Beavers to the Fun Day, being held at Skreens Scout Activity Park in Chelmsford.

So there I was with Sue, my Leader and 14 odd Beaver scouts, hypered up with excitement wanting to take part in every activity available.
One of my roles during the day was to be monitor of the kids shoes, water bottles and hats, a very important role you know!  That was until Sue and Andrew came over and decided that we'd lost all the Beavers!

Even Sue and I got in on the fun!


Thursday, 8 June 2017


So yesterday saw Nicholas and 23 other kids from Blenheim enter the Interschools Swim Gala at Garrons.

This was Nicholas' final year and I was gutted that he'd stopped swimming with SOS earlier in the year, but despite that, and despite the fact the school have had no pool available to train in due to a faulty boiler, Team Blenheim still WON!!!  
Nichoals and Niamh - Top boy and girl with the Winners Shield!
Was gutted for Nicholas as just missed out on 3rd place in Champion Boy race, but Niamh aced that it and won that race.
Nichola did however totally blow away the competition and easily won the Yr6 Boys Breaststroke race. Many of the other swimmers were successful in their races too, and Blenheim did brilliantly in the various relay races allowing medals galore to be handed out.

Nothing like leaving primary school on a high!

One photo, 20 words

Freddie Knight and Nicholas
Friends since Reception. Long may they be so!

End of Season Presentation..

So another football season is almost over and the presentation this year was again held at Sarah's place at Acres Way.
 Lee loves this yearly event as he always creates a DVD of the boys in action from all the various photos that have been taken through the year.  Takes him AGES!
The best bit for him though is awarding the trophy's - Most Improved Player, Player's Player and Manager's Player.
Both Lee and James were shown the teams' appreciation this year with a basket of beer and chocolate!
Two of my favourite boys.

Keep up the good work Leigh Ramblers U11 White!


Half Term fun

So this year over Half Term, I took my 3 beasties together with my bestie Martyna and her 2 beasties, to stay in a caravan at Havens Seashore Holiday park, up in Gt Yarmouth for the week.
The weather was indeed good to us, albeit it didn't rain, we we got out and about each day.
 Think the kids all enjoyed hiring the bikes one afternoon the most

 It was a tad cold in the splash park, so we all tended to go in the indoor pool mostly!
 When the sun did shine, we all took a train ride into Yarmouth and found a nice cafe for a cuppa!
Love ya bestie!