"If you think you can, you can...."
Inspiring words from Sir Jack Petchey.
I received a call on Wednesday from Alex, who was at school, so excited to tell me that he'd won the prestigious Jack Petchy Award!!
I was so so thrilled for him. He was nominated for his support towards other students and the development and running of a Warhammer Club at lunchtime.
Eastwood Academy is part of the Jack Petchy Achievement Award
Scheme. The scheme is a reward and recognition initiative which enables schools
and youth organisations to celebrate the achievements of their students and only 2 or 3 students win this award each term.
Alex receives £250 to spend at school to be donated to whatever department he choses to give it to (I'm thinking it may just go towards the club), he gets to have a meeting with the Principal of the school to talk about his achievement and to also attend an award ceremony at the Palace Theatre next week, where he will be up on stage to receive his medal.
I'll be there cheering him on.
Mummy bragging rights...