Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Just what I wanted!!!

We had a fabby Christmas this year. The boys woke up and brought their stockings into our room to open and then Cassie woke up (probably due to the noise) and she had her stocking too. I got Cass dressed and then we all came downstairs to see what Santa had left the boys...

Just what I wanted were thee squeals of delight when Alex opened his "Rocky the Robot" and Nicholas opened his "transforming Batmobile"... Cassie got a dollspram walker and baby doll.

A quick breakfast for Cass whilst the boys got dressed in their new Santa tops and then on to the Den to open Mummy & Daddy's pressies!

Lee and I had just finished opening our presents to each other when the doorbell went and Nannie arrived with sack loads of pressies!! The boys were in their element!!

After pressies came dinner and then our good friends Mark and Fani arrived and a short while after, my Uncle Tony and his partner Christine. More pressies and more chocolate!

A good day :)

A trip to visit Santa

All 3 kids loved the visit to Santa this year. Mum and I took them to Eastgate, Basildon in the middle of December where they got to tell Father Christmas what they wanted...

Sunday, 20 December 2009


As a surprise, I'd bought the last sledge in the shop yesterday for the "children" to play on and today we all went over to One Tree Hill, where the boys had mega fun sledging down the hill.

Lee of course had to have the first go to apparently "ensure it was safe for the boys) and no one (bar me) showed any fear whatsoever!!!

Lee checking the hill was not to scary for the boys..

Alex was next up - want to do that again he said at the bottom...

Nicholas getting to grips with steering sideways!

Friday, 18 December 2009

Frosty the Snowman....

You can imagine the boys utter delight to waking up to at least 6" of snow everywhere this morning, so after having fun walking to the only open school in the Southend area today, Nicholas and I "popped" to Tesco in the afternoon to get a carrot for Mr Frosty's nose.

Lee had promised the boys that when they both got home from their last day at school he would build a snowman with them and he didn't disappoint...

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

3 beautiful children

We finally (with two more days left at school) got the school photos back and just how gorgeous are my off spring?!?!?!




Friday, 11 December 2009

We 3 Kings.....

Alex took part in his third and final performance of his school play "Tea towels & Tinsel" last night and did his us very proud as both a tea towel in his class dance and as a Wise Man bringing gold to baby Jesus. He said his lines very well and did a marvelous job!

Way to go little man!!!