Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Look, an aeroplane!!!

We decided to take the boys and Cassie to this year's "Festival of Air", so after driving to the station and getting the train into Southend we walked almost the entire length of the seafront, stopping off now and again to climb into a tank, watch the airshow, get an ice cream etc etc. The boys were really good, in fact, lee winged more than they did!

Alex and Nicholas loved the Red Arrows, Lee loved the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and I liked the Helicopters best.

When we got to the Red Arrows village, Alex got talking to one of the Engineers and of course, they had to have their picy taken by a Red Arrow!

A great day out :)


Being an active member of the school PTA, I thought I'd advertise our Ladies Pamper Eveing.... (That and the fact that it was my idea and I'm organising it)!

To be held on Thursday, 11th June at Blenheim Primary School, Leigh.

Doors open at 6.45pm for the booking of treatments with them actually starting from 7pm. All treatments will be £5 and 15 minutes in duration.

£3.50 per person with a FREE drink
Advance tickets on sale at school office or just come along on the evening.


Confirmed treatments/attendees include: Vaisha Vaniety - hair removal threading specialist, Indian Head massage by Sharon Eglinton, Reflexology by Michelle Willingale, Reflexology & Indian head massage by Head Over Heels (Elaine Boarer), Waxing/Eyebrow & Eyelash tinting by Jennifer Fegan, Tarot cards/Angel Cards readings by Laura Braley, Crystal healing & Reiki by Crystal Rainbow, Aromatherapy massage by Sandra Wiseman and Louise Adams, Bindis & Brides will be offering henna tatoos, false lashes, mini make overs & mini facials and Tranquillity will be providing manicurists and a pedicurist.

Various stalls include: Avon, Body Shop, Virgin Vie, Aloe Vera, Tinkabella’s handmade jewellery, Phoenix cards, Jambles, Plaques Galore, Pampered Chef, Usborne Books, Small Print – fingerprint jewellery, Goose Cottage Crafts, Picabillys and Jill's handmade cards.

The cafe will be open for hot drinks and cakes and don't forget to enter our amazing raffle to win goodies and various treatments!

All funds raised will go towards purchasing outdoor equipment for the nursery and the refurbishment of the school swimming pool changing areas.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Enough already

Well, our little bit of pink has had enough of having her photograph taken already....

Will make a good scrapbook layout though!

Friday, 15 May 2009

A little light reading....

Alex's school are running a competition entitled "Extreme Reading" whereby a photo has to be taken of them reading something in the most unusual place....

We didn't have much time so off the cuff, I thought the loo would be a good one to start with!

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Our little boy is 5!

I can't believe where time goes - seems like only yesterday......

Alexander was a big 5 years old on Bank Holiday Monday and we had family and close friends round for a birthday tea in the afternoon and everyone assured me that they had a good time.

Alex got LOADS of pressies and "paper money" as he calls it, so he was very happy too :)


THEN, on the Tuesday Alex, Nicholas and 5 of Alex's friends were collected from school and driven around in a real FIRE ENGINE for an hour or so. After being dropped back at our house, they got to all play with the hose! The look on the boys' faces was worth it!

After that came food, cake and games. one very happy little boy....