Sunday, 29 September 2013

More football...

Well the football season is back up and running and the Leigh ramblers Under 8 Tigers had their 3rd match of the season at home today.
Nicholas played in goal the whole match today which was kind of good as he had injured his foot playing football at school with the Year 5 &6's on Friday and kind of not as he tends to take the responsibility of the team winning or loosing personally...

They put up a fight, but Trinity Youth Lions were just too good and they lost the game after drawing their first match and winning their 2nd match so far this season.
Lee was on a football coaching course this weekend, so Simon and Mike took training yesterday, but with Lee being absent, the boys all pushed the boundaries to the max.  All but Nicholas, I'm proud to say and was even prouder when he was awarded "Man of the Match" today :)
An entire current team photo call rounded the afternoon off nicely.



One of my friends was having a bit of a clear out the other day and kindly donated two race horse space hoppers to us..

The boys in particular had such fun racing each other.. and falling off!!!

Thank you so much Sue Davis!!!


Back to School II

I suddenly realised that I hadn't uploaded any other photos of the kids first day back to school... so...
 Pre-departure with Daddy
 Pre-departure with Mummy
Alex has always been the sensitive one and although used to going back to school, he wasn't looking forward to this year as he doesn't like his teacher and is still having a few playground issues... love my big boy so much :)
Nicholas on the other hand, takes things all in his stride!  Now in Yr3 and Key Stage 2 playground him and his buds - Jack MacCardle, Freddie Knight, Jack Duce & Joesph Prescott just got stuck in when they came across a basketball!
After seeing the boys in, it was Cassandra's turn to start in "big School"... she'd been looking forward to it, but was still very apprehensive...
 Her Teacher, Mrs Clayton is lovely and she was happy to go in and find her peg, seat and see what was going on in her class.
 Even more so when she saw her "bestest friend ever" - Kaylah!


Monday, 23 September 2013

S is for School....

I found a new blog with a challenge that I could enter a school layout that I recently did of Alexander and his Yr3 teacher Mrs Ambrose..

Still time to enter as closing date isn't until 30th September!


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

SWAT - Drill Challenge 15

SWAT's Drill Challenge #15 was to create a layout using the 3 "'S's" - stitching, stamping and spraying/splatting"!

I used a florish mask and sprayed glimmer mist on to my background, fake stitched around the edges and stamped between the photos of my gorgeous boy Nicholas..

If you want to enter the challenge, you have until 28th September to do so:


Monday, 16 September 2013

Thursday, 5 September 2013


I can't believe it!

I'm so excited - I've been asked to be a guest designer for September on one of my favourite scrapbook challenge sites - Colourful Creations!!!

I'm thrilled and honoured that my layouts are considered good enough to be thought of to inspire others for a challenge.

Bring on my sketch!!!

look out for me on here in the next week or so..


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

First day back...

Well I didn't sleep very well this morning, being awake since 2am.. and the kids were all up, dressed and had their photos taken in readiness for their first day back..
Lee went into work late, so he could see the kids into school too and thus he still has other first day photos on his camera which I'll upload later, but for now... so very proud of my brood :)


The final week!!!

I have to admit that the last week of the hols did go fairly quickly...

Alexander had a sleepover at his friend Ashley's house and I picked them both up the following day as they were off to enjoy various activities over at Belchamps.
However, Alexander fell over and hurt his leg on the assault course and then whilst walking back bashed his head on an open window, so I ended up dashing back from watching "Planes" with Nicholas and Cassandra at the cinema to pick him up early.  He was fine...

Wednesday was a busy one with Nicholas having one of his best bud's Freddie over and we all went over to Wat Tyler park in Pitsea - where unknown to me, they had scheduled a family event with lots of different craft/painting for the kids to do :)

The afternoon saw me dropping Nicholas, Freddie, Sam and Jack all off at Adventure Island for Reuben's re-scheduled due to the awful rain, birthday party whilst Alexander, Cassandra, and I all went and played on the beach for a bit.

Thursday Cassie spent the morning at Little Steps Gymnastics activity morning, whilst I took the boys to get their hair cut ready for next week.
Nicholas had Joseph's party in the afternoon and then the boys had RADS swimming and I spent a relaxing evening at Mum's scrapbooking...

The boy never tires of it, and Nicholas spent the day at SoccerHub playing football (again) only he got to wear his new Arsenal away kit courtesy of Grandad and us.
Cassandra was at her friend Tatiania's and so Alexander and I spent a lovely morning together..

The weekend kind of wizzed by at Leigh ramblers had their first Pre-season Tournament over in Shoebury and to save the other two having to come along and sit around, I dropped them over to Mum's en route. They played 3 matches: lost 2 and drew 1.

I then popped over to see my friend Sue - who is also the Beaver Leader and we had a good time chatting about the up coming term :)  our good friend Mark came over Saturday evening for wine, Chinese food and to watch "Olympus has Fallen".  Awesome movie!

Sunday the boys had their maths tutor over and they will certainly miss Liam when he goes off to Uni at the end of the month..  I then dropped Alexander and Lee off at Leigh Library as they were taking part in the Tweed ride to Southchurch park where we met them.  Alex said he really enjoyed the ride so I'll have to find some more they can do!!!!

So then yesterday was all about final preparations for back to school - Michelle took Alex and Nicholas off to the cinema with her two to watch Percy Jackson & the sea of monsters, that I hadn't managed to take them to - frustrated as I wanted to see it too.  It was very good apparently?!!!  Cassandra and I spent the morning playing and making chocolate cupcakes!
Then a lovely surprise visit from my friend Martyna and her little girl Millie topped off the morning. Cassandra started back at her ballet classes with Expressions now based at Tiffiny's Theatre.  Lee had another football coaching course to attend last night, so it was just me, a cup of well deserved tea and a sit down :)

We all made it through another summer holiday....
