Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Proud Mummy Moment II

So yesterday, Alex came home rather happy for once, from school as he'd been chosen, as one of only seven teams to go through to the AMA/G&T Dragons Den competition at school!
Needs to get his thinking cap on to come up with an amazing idea now..


Proud Mummy Moment..

So on Friday, Cassandra came out of school rather happy as she'd been awarded Superstar for her class for all her extra maths work she's recently been doing.  She's doing brilliantly on her times tables and is one of the top in her class :)


Monday, 20 February 2017

Still all in one piece... just!

So on my "bucket list" is "go skiing".  So that's what we all did this half term.  We went off to Borovets in Bulgaria with my best friend Martyna, her hubby, Kevin and their two kids Millie (who's Cassie's best friend) and their little boy Jesse.

After a 2.5 hour delay sitting on the plane on the tarmac due to no one being available to actually physically put our luggage on the dam plane, we all arrived in Bulgaria, too late for dinner, but we were treated to a ham sandwich and an orange!
The following day saw us all in various levels of ski school - some of us being better than others already!
I had paid (via a great Groupon offer) for Cassie to have some lessons up at the Sno Centre in Hemel Hempstead last year and it paid off, as she and Millie were in the same ski school class.

We were all in different classes, but every now and again we'd meet up, by sheer chance and be able to have lunch together!  It was great being able to give the kids some independence by having their own lunch monies and having to take their own equipment up and down the slopes...

Nicholas was just a natural.. he totally canned it and was skiing red and black runs by the end of the with with Kev..

Lee was particularly proud of himself as was I, and it's another thing I can cross off my list - being able to ski down a mountain!!
So there's me thinking that it would be Nicholas that got injured, but no, it was me.  I've had issues with my left knee since I fell down the stairs with Cassie when she was only 18months old and I tore the ligaments in my knee due to crashing through the babygate.  That and the fact that a week before we flew out, saw me in A&E for 3 hours with a muscle injury in my right arm after playing badminton.  This all meant that when I did fall over (big time), I decided to stop skiing on day 4, as I just wasn't prepared to make things worse in the long run.

After skiing each day (10-3pm) we tended to head off to a sledge slope - the kids loved it there!
Whilst the Brodhurst family were staying in the Hotel Rila, literally opposite the slopes, we were staying about a 5 minute walk from the action, but through the snowy woods each day was not a hardship..
At the end of the week, we all "graduated" from ski school (some having done better than others) and Alex had his Snow Activities Scout badge signed off too.
Lee was quite proud that Leigh Ramblers got to go on tour!
And one of Alex's favourite things to do was get the fire going in our lodge every night.  Once a scout, always a scout!
It was an AMAZING (but exhausting) holiday, with GREAT friends.