Monday, 28 September 2009

I'm gonna live forever...

Remember my name...

Can't wait for the girlie night out I've orgainised tomorrow - to see the new film FAME!!!!

Loved the original, the new one looks fab too....

Mum's home

After two weeks sunning herself in Turkey, staying with her friend Mandy, Mum is back from her hols and the boys for two are very much looking forward to seeing their Nannie tomorrow (me too)!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Book Bag!

Nicholas has now been at pre-school for nearly 2 weeks and every day has asked when he will get his book bag, and today was the day!

I'm sure in years to come he wont be so pleased to do his homework, but for now, I'm all for encouraging his enthusiasm!!

Bounce, bounce, bounce....

Alex has decided that he no longer wanted to learn Kung Fu, so he's now doing trampolining at Deanes Sports Centre in Thundersley.

He's obviously got the gift of bouncing as he came home on Monday with his first award!!

Monday, 14 September 2009

First Day of Pre-School for Nicholas

I must admit I shed a few tears today when my youngest son started at the Blenheim Primary school nursery even though he was more than ready and happy to go :)

Big bro Alex was excited that Nicholas was going to be going to his school and promised him that he would wave to him over the playground fence!

Daddy went into work late so that he could be there with us all on his first day at "big school"

Two down, one more to go.....

Sunday, 6 September 2009

The complete Butler family....

Cassie had her first "Cherubs" photoshoot the other week and despite Nicholas not being in the photographic mood, we managed to get one of the 5 of us....

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Year 1 already...

I can't believe how fast time is going, Alex started year 1 today at Blenehim Primary and he looked so grown up in his uniform.

Miss Stephens is going to be his teacher this year and by the looks of it, they're going to get on really well :)