Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Just what I wanted!!!

We had a fabby Christmas this year. The boys woke up and brought their stockings into our room to open and then Cassie woke up (probably due to the noise) and she had her stocking too. I got Cass dressed and then we all came downstairs to see what Santa had left the boys...

Just what I wanted were thee squeals of delight when Alex opened his "Rocky the Robot" and Nicholas opened his "transforming Batmobile"... Cassie got a dollspram walker and baby doll.

A quick breakfast for Cass whilst the boys got dressed in their new Santa tops and then on to the Den to open Mummy & Daddy's pressies!

Lee and I had just finished opening our presents to each other when the doorbell went and Nannie arrived with sack loads of pressies!! The boys were in their element!!

After pressies came dinner and then our good friends Mark and Fani arrived and a short while after, my Uncle Tony and his partner Christine. More pressies and more chocolate!

A good day :)

A trip to visit Santa

All 3 kids loved the visit to Santa this year. Mum and I took them to Eastgate, Basildon in the middle of December where they got to tell Father Christmas what they wanted...

Sunday, 20 December 2009


As a surprise, I'd bought the last sledge in the shop yesterday for the "children" to play on and today we all went over to One Tree Hill, where the boys had mega fun sledging down the hill.

Lee of course had to have the first go to apparently "ensure it was safe for the boys) and no one (bar me) showed any fear whatsoever!!!

Lee checking the hill was not to scary for the boys..

Alex was next up - want to do that again he said at the bottom...

Nicholas getting to grips with steering sideways!

Friday, 18 December 2009

Frosty the Snowman....

You can imagine the boys utter delight to waking up to at least 6" of snow everywhere this morning, so after having fun walking to the only open school in the Southend area today, Nicholas and I "popped" to Tesco in the afternoon to get a carrot for Mr Frosty's nose.

Lee had promised the boys that when they both got home from their last day at school he would build a snowman with them and he didn't disappoint...

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

3 beautiful children

We finally (with two more days left at school) got the school photos back and just how gorgeous are my off spring?!?!?!




Friday, 11 December 2009

We 3 Kings.....

Alex took part in his third and final performance of his school play "Tea towels & Tinsel" last night and did his us very proud as both a tea towel in his class dance and as a Wise Man bringing gold to baby Jesus. He said his lines very well and did a marvelous job!

Way to go little man!!!

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Ice ice Baby

A local school Christmas fete today was soooo much fun as Lee, Mum and I took the boys (and Cassie of course) to Sacred Heart school as they had a fake ice skating rink.

I was thrilled when we were told there was no minimum age limit and so after donning ice skating boots, the boys ventured out onto the ice - we all had a fabby time sliping and sliding around - maybe when they get a bit older we'll take them to a REAL ice rink!!

Thursday, 26 November 2009

I can do it - almost!

At 7 months old now, Cassie is desperately trying to walk on her own! She's not doing too bad as she can hold on to the sofa and walk along and Alex's Bob the Builder chair is just the right height for her to hold on to.

Guess it's time for the baby gates to come out to play for a bit?!??!

just keep swimming, just keep swimming..

Nicholas came home from swim school today proud as punch (as are we) with his STA Stanley 5 award - a wonderful achievement for a 3 year old!!!!

boing.... boing.....

Alex came home from trampolining last week with his grade 3 - he was so proud - as were we!

Thursday, 12 November 2009

I think Alexander is going to be a builder!

On Sunday Alex and I had some much needed special 1:1 time together. Cassie was asleep and Lee had taken Nichols out to the park for a bit.

When asked what he wanted to do, Alex replied that he wanted to build a house...!!

Okay, ever one to rise to a challenge, I obtained a rather large box and we got planning....
A good few hours later and his house had well and truly taken shape - very colourfully painted, with windows, curtains, an opening door, letterbox, doorbell and even a chimmney. His house was course number 72 as that's the number of where Nannie lives!!

Monday, 2 November 2009

Halloween Party!

This year I'd decided that I wasn't going to host a Halloween party at home as I was exhausted after last year's (the fact I was pregger's didn't help) so for £10 all in, I took the boys to Monkey Bizz one of the large indoor play areas in Hockley for their planned Halloween party and I'm glad I did as they had a fabby time. There were games, a fancy dress competition, a buffet and they got to run around for two hours like lunatics!

A last minute change of plan also saw Lee and Cassandra coming along too. Cassie looked a real pumpkin in her outfit and enjoyed spending time with Daddy in the baby area!


Every year (well, for the past 2 anyway) Lee and the boys have carved a pumpkin to put outside our door on Halloween. This year they really went to town with one each! Nicholas is Batman crazy at the moment and so obviously he choose a bat carving and Alex choose the "Pumpkin King". Lee did a brilliant job (with the boys help of course) and I think they had the best pumpkins in the street!

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Hallow's Eve will soon upon us

I love Halloween and for the past few years have held a Halloween party for the boys and their friends at home.

This year however I decided that someone else could host the party but lo and behold Monkey Bizz, our local indoor soft play area have come up trumps in that for a small fee they are holding a fabby sounding party for all the kids including food, trick and treat, games and a fancy dress competition, so that's where we're off to on Friday evening. Alex is going as a Spider's Web and Nicholas is a Skeleton this year. As for me I'll be doning my hat and stripey tights and going as a witch (highly original I know, but it's really for the kids)!

That leaves Hallow's Eve itself for dressing up and taking both boys out trick or treating around the neighbours. Cassie will be staying in with Daddy to open the door in her pumpkin outfit to anyone that wants some treats from us - I've got the goodies in already!

All that really leaves if for lee and the boys to carve the pumpkin.....

Sunday, 11 October 2009


I've always been facinated by the world of Vampires, from Buffy to Angel and now I'm totally in love....

Edward Cullan AKA Robert Pattinson is just to die for - if you'll excuse the pun.

He can feed on me anytime!!

Michelle and I have already diarised 20th november 2009 to go and see Twilight New Moon...

Monday, 5 October 2009

Higher Mummy!

Cassie is definitely going to be a thrill seeker as at only 5 months old, she already loves the swings at our local park!

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Back to school - kind of....

I got all my OU paperwork through today - I'm about to start a degree in Criminology and Psychological studies and my first 10 point course starts in a couple of weeks...

Scary times ahead, but yay me!!!

Monday, 28 September 2009

I'm gonna live forever...

Remember my name...

Can't wait for the girlie night out I've orgainised tomorrow - to see the new film FAME!!!!

Loved the original, the new one looks fab too....

Mum's home

After two weeks sunning herself in Turkey, staying with her friend Mandy, Mum is back from her hols and the boys for two are very much looking forward to seeing their Nannie tomorrow (me too)!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Book Bag!

Nicholas has now been at pre-school for nearly 2 weeks and every day has asked when he will get his book bag, and today was the day!

I'm sure in years to come he wont be so pleased to do his homework, but for now, I'm all for encouraging his enthusiasm!!

Bounce, bounce, bounce....

Alex has decided that he no longer wanted to learn Kung Fu, so he's now doing trampolining at Deanes Sports Centre in Thundersley.

He's obviously got the gift of bouncing as he came home on Monday with his first award!!

Monday, 14 September 2009

First Day of Pre-School for Nicholas

I must admit I shed a few tears today when my youngest son started at the Blenheim Primary school nursery even though he was more than ready and happy to go :)

Big bro Alex was excited that Nicholas was going to be going to his school and promised him that he would wave to him over the playground fence!

Daddy went into work late so that he could be there with us all on his first day at "big school"

Two down, one more to go.....

Sunday, 6 September 2009

The complete Butler family....

Cassie had her first "Cherubs" photoshoot the other week and despite Nicholas not being in the photographic mood, we managed to get one of the 5 of us....

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Year 1 already...

I can't believe how fast time is going, Alex started year 1 today at Blenehim Primary and he looked so grown up in his uniform.

Miss Stephens is going to be his teacher this year and by the looks of it, they're going to get on really well :)

Monday, 24 August 2009

A wonderful Christening day with family & friends

Despite running around like a looney all morning, and having the help of some good friends (gammon ham, chilli, curry) I was ready on time to take my beautiful daughter up to the Bridgewater Drive Church in Leigh on Sunday to be baptised.

Mum had not only bought Cassie her gorgeous dress, but the boys had very smart new outfits too, and everyone made the effort and looked wonderful!

The local vicar, Rob took the service and it was lovely, Cassie's God parents - Mark Tovell, Tara Reid & Rachel Harkes did an outstanding job saying their bit and then it was all back to ours for lunch and a drink or two..

Thanks to Mum for the yummy trifle, tea bread, rock cakes, and salad stuff, to Rachel for the yummy curry and jugs of Pimms, Kelly for the yummy chilli con carne, to Tina for cooking the gammon hams, to Dawn & Tara for their constant washing up of the glasses and to John & Barbara for the beer and wine!

The sun shone all day and we all had a great time!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


Well, the summer holidays are zipping by, and today's event was Southend Carnival's Fancy Dress Competition.

The boys entered the "pairs" category and came in 3rd place with their "Sandcastles" outfits!

Cassie also entered and won 1st place in the "wheeled entry" category with "Bloom & Grow in Southend".

She also got a 2nd trophy as she was the youngest entrant this year at just 3 months old!!

Big thanks to Mum who worked really hard on all their outfits - thanks Mum!!

We all had a fabby day, albeit way too hot, and came home to a nice play in the paddling pool!

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Back from another week away!

Well, this time round the weather was wonderful and Mum, the kids and I all had a fabby time staying in a caravan up at Great Yarnmouth.

We spent at least 3 of the days at the beach, one time for nearly 7 hours where the boys just dug in the sand, played in the sea and even had a donkey ride! We went swimming, played in the arcades to collect tokens/tickets which we managed to get enough of to win a new full size basketball! (Probably could of bought one cheaper, but hey where's the fun in that)? We went into town, the boys went on the bouncy castle, played in the indoor softplay area, swung on the ariel glide in the adventure playground and we flew a kite. We also hired out one of the old fashioned family bikes - as above. Both Mum's and my legs were killing us by the end of the half hour, but it was fun!

Alex and Nicky made good friends with a family near us and spent lots of time playing with Oliver and Alexandra - to the extent that Alex now wants to marry her!! Sorry, Millie you've been bumped!!

We all had a great time and I'd be happy to go and spend a week in a caravan again sometime :)

Friday, 31 July 2009

Girlie night

What an absolutely fabby evening!!

Tina, Michelle, Rachel, Kelly, Jess and I all thoroghly enjoyed ourselves at Heart SX's LBD party last night. I even won an Ipod - had to be the quickest to get my bra off/on to do so, but hey, we all have a mis spent youth...!

Thanks girls for a great night.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

LBD party

Thanks to Su Harrison on Heart SX's (Essex FM to those in the know) Breakfast show this morning, myself and four of my good friends (Tina, Michelle, Rachel and Kelly) will all be guests at her Little Black Dress party at Fargo's in Westcliff tomorrow as I won the tickets!!

Apparently there will be fun and games (?), raffles, prize draws and competitons to win a designer handbag....

Bring it on!!!

Monday, 27 July 2009

Just loving the sunshine!

On the rare occurance that the sun has made an appearance, the children and I just love to spend time, just chillin' in the garden....

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Home after a week at Havens...

After a disastrous start to our caravan holiday at Havens down in Hastings, in that it was constantly raining, it got worse by finding out that neither the TV or DVD player in our caravan worked.

Then we were told that neither of the boys could take part in any of the water activities as despite meeting the required being able to swim 25m they had to be 8 years old - a fact that was not advertised or mentioned anywhere until we got there.

We were sooooooo disappointed especially when we found out that the kids clubs weren't kids clubs, but just an hour or so of "stay and play with your kids" sessions and most of the "family" activities had been cancelled for whatever reasons, just leaving football...

Hard to amuse a very active and hyper 3 and 5 year old in the confinds of a caravan...

The week got slightly better as it at least stopped raining and was just very windy, but in true British style, we still went down to the beach one afternoon to collect stones - as Hastings beach has no sand! The piccy says it all!!!

by Thursday we'd had enough so came home a day early... Not the best of holidays, and we wont be going back again.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Way to go boys!!!

We're just so proud of our boys - Alexander got his 100m and Nicholas got his 50m in swimming!!!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Ha ya!

Alex, Nathan & Darcy Gray and Calum Harkes all took their purple sash's in Wing Chun Kung Fu tonight and they were all very proud of themselves - way to go!!!

Little Fish!

Alex had his first swimming "gala" (which I use in the loosest sense of the word) at school today and he had a fabby time.

Both Mummy & Nannie were there to watch and cheer him on!

Sunday, 5 July 2009


Whilst Alex was learning to ride his bike today, Nicholas was having fun on the witch's hat!