Saturday, 30 January 2010

What great big brothers.....

A trip to Partyman in Basildon with all 3 kids was great fun. Whilst Lee chased the boys around I played with Cassie in the under 5's area until the boys thought we were having more fun and came over to join us!

Cassandra is a lucky girl to have such great big brothers....

Friday, 22 January 2010

Oppps, caught in the act!

At bath time tonight, my darling daughter (bless her) decided to find out what happens when you pull on the loo roll...

You gotta love her!!!!

Thursday, 21 January 2010

I'm a poorly bunny...

After 3 days of having chronic diarrhoea and stomach cramps Mum kindly came over yesterday and I went to the Dr's who advised me that I've got Gastroenteritis - which is an infection of the stomach and intestines (lovely).

Still, not the best way to diet, but I'm guessing I'm going to have to pay at weigh in on Monday as I'll be well below my target weight!

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Our Little man is not so little

Nicholas had a fabby day today - he turned the big 4!!

He happily went off to school armed with a bag of goodies to hand out to everyone in his class and was thrilled to see Nannie pick him up.

At 4pm some of his friends started arriving for his "Batman party" that he's been going on about for about the last 6 months!

After and hour or so of game playing (I'm knackered now) it was time for singing and blowing out the candles on his cake...

Lee and I of course had to get in on the act and whilst Mrs Riddler (that was me) organised all the clues to the games, Batman arrived later in the evening after being summond by the batsign (that would be Lee).

Nicholas was a very lucky little boy and received some wonderful gifts - lots of Batman bits, children's monopoly, lots of pennies, other cool stuff and even goodies to go with the Tower of Doom that we got him too...

All in all a great day. I just can't believe my little boy is 4.... what's that about...??

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Back to School....

Well, the Christmas hols are over and the boys are back to school tomorrow. Oh how I'm looking forward the school run 3 times a day again.... not! Still I look at it as good exercise - need to work off the extra pounds I put back on over the festive season. Still want to stay in my size 14 jeans!!

Cassie also starts at the Children's Centre nursery this week, just for two mornings to start with. It's going to be really strange without any of the children for a bit....
Swim school also starts this week, as does Little Steps Gymnastics for Nicholas and Alexander starts Beavers tomorrow too - he's well looking forward to that - just hope he likes it!!

Best go start on the packed lunches...