Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Kung Fu Alex!

We're so proud of Alex, as on Monday he took his red sash in "Wing Chung Kung Fu" and passed with flying colours - way to go little man!

Alex and Steve - one of his teachers

Monday, 23 March 2009

True love - at 4!

Alex announced to me the other day that he's getting married and the new love of his life is Millie, a girl in his class at school.

True love at 4 years old!!

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Mummy's Day 2009

I had a lovely day today, got a lie in, had breakfast brought to me in bed, with some wonderful pressies including an Ipod Touch in readiness for the losing of the baby weight, and some great gifts the boys chose themselves from the Mother's day stall at school.

We took my Mum out for lunch to the Cherry Tree in Stanbridge which was fun, the boys were quite well behaved and then we went on to see Lee's Mum & Dad in the afternoon and stopped off on the way home at his Nan & Grandad's.

By the time we did get back in I was knackered!

My mum and I

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

My boys are like fishes!!

I'm so PROUD of both my boys - last night at swim school not only did Alex achieve his STA swimming level Goldfish 1

but Nicholas achieved his STA swimming level Stanley 4!

Way to go!!!!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Happy Birthday to me...

Well, another year gone, I'm now the grand old age of 36!!!!

I had a really nice day, was spoilt by everyone, got loads of cards, was taken out to lunch by my Mum and to dinner by the hubster :)

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Happy Birthday Tina!

It was one of my best friend's birthday's last week and she hit the big 3-0!

So, last night a group of us girlies hit the town and went out and celebrated with her. Some of us lasted longer than others - some getting home at 1am, 1.30am and even 3.30am. As for me, I was home by 10pm!!! Just can't hack it anymore!!!

Hope you had a great night Tina! Sx

Saturday, 7 March 2009

I have candy!!!

I just love scrappin'!!!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Almost just 5 weeks to go!!!

Had midwife appointment this afternoon (thanks Mum for taking me - due to not being able to drive until Friday) and everything is good.

Apparently, my uterus has expanded to 1,000 times its original volume and is now up under my ribs and I've probably put on between 25-30 lbs (more I'd say, but hey, eating for 2)!! but I will gain little or no more weight from now until due date of 12th April.

Lee got my bag down from the loft yesterday, so I've packed mine and the baby's all ready in case this one is as impatient as Alex was and arrives early! Exciting, but scary stuff...

A very RARE pic of me preggers!

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Soooooo Sick...

Well, since Thursday afternoon, I've been like a zombie - as after I'd picked the boys up from school and got home, the room started spinning and I felt really dizzy and sick.

By the time Lee got home I was almost on the floor, so he shipped me off to bed where I stayed for the rest of the evening until I was up and down like a yo-yo throwing my guts up! Not good.

Thank the Lord for Mum's - as mine came round first thing to take the boys to school and then stayed with me for the day which included a trip to the Dr's who said I had an "infection" and prescribed antibiotics and some anti-sickness tablets. I was more than grateful as having only 6 weeks to go until baby B III arrives, I didn't think he'd give me anything!

Mum had Alex for a sleep over Saturday/Sunday and he had a brilliant time even annoucing that he wanted to go and do some "scrappin" on Sunday morning! Way to go son!!

Sooooo, all weekend, my man has been a "Super-Daddy".... I'm well proud of him, considering it's us Mum's that normally do everything , he's coped very well. knackered now of course, but he did well.

Thank you baby!