Tuesday, 28 March 2017


So for once, it was actually all about me on Friday.

After 7 long years filled with stress, tears, despondency, excitement, relief and achievement, I finally graduated at the Barbican in London.

Lee and Mum were my two guests and after getting my robes and having official photography, we went for lunch as the ceremony wasn't due to even start until 3pm.
I was sitting down the front in the stalls with all the other graduates, whilst Mum and Lee were up in the dress circle.
Each graduate was listed under their degree including me!
And despite the butterflies in my stomach, I purposely strode out when my name was called to collect my scroll!

So proud of myself.. I never gave up, no matter how hard it got..
 I can now say that I hold a BSc (hons) in Criminology & Psychological Studies

Saturday, 25 March 2017

1st Rayleigh Scouts

Whilst Alex got invested into 1st Rayleigh last week at the bottom of the Dive tank, he received his new scarf on Thursday.

 He's now a proud member of 1st Rayleigh Scout group.

The Challenge was set..

About a month or so ago, Alexander who's seen as an AMA (Academically More Able) student was chosen as only 1 of 7 groups to enter the Gifted & Talented/AMA Dragon's Den competition.
Students from across all years from 7 to 11 had to come up with an original idea that would enhance education or something technical.
Alex decided to work with his bud Rhys and he came up with the idea of Holo-boards.  A holographic board that could help students learn in class.

 For example in Biology - so eliminating the need for physically dissecting 30 dead frogs, students could use the holo-board and a holo-glove and do it instead.  In Business Studies, it could be used to 3D show a theme park that students are designing..
The boys had to present their idea in front of the "Dragons" which included the Principal, Assistant Principal, Head of Computing etc.  Once their presentation was over, the Dragons quizzed them on their idea - they were hard Dragons!

There were some good ideas put forward but to their total surprise and amazement, they came 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To say they were thrilled was an understatement.
I was so so proud of Alex as standing infront of the main Senior Leadership team and over 50 parents must of been very daunting, but he and Rhys rose to the challenge and nailed it.

Way to go young man.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

A new beginning...

Alexander hasn't been happy at his current Scout group for a while, but after a chance conversation with other leaders in a different group and in a different District he's been a guest at 1st Rayleigh, Crouch Valley District for the last few weeks.
They are brilliant, have a great leadership team, are soooo enthusiastic and full on as today he had the opportunity to go scuba diving with them.  Alex already scuba dives with Aquapigs and is actually only 2 dives away from his PADI Master Seal certification.  This morning however he was diving in a deep water tank and had a fabby time diving with the other scouts he's already made friends with.
So much so that Mark, his new leader invested him into 1st Rayleigh at the bottom of the tank!!!!!

Now that's an event he'll remember forever...

Onwards and Upwards for my young man.


All on my own...

So last weekend saw me - just me and 8 little people from 3rd Prittlewell over at Belchamps for their Spring sleepover.
Although I was only supposed to have 6 Beaver Scouts, I ended up with 8 thanks to the help of the leaders at South Woodham Ferrers.. much appreciated!
All the kids had a brilliant time and it was easy for me as Belchamps did everything... including feeding everyone!
From singing songs around the camp fire Friday night to pedal karts and cork guns and caving and the assault course - everyone had a go at everything and thoroughly enjoyed themselves..

I think Cassandra's favourite had to be the Rock'n'Roll Rodeo bull!

I think we shall be back again..  now where's that booking form....?!


Happy Birthday to me....

So, I'm yet again another year older..  44 last week... It didn't really hit me until I was talking with a friend about our kids and I realised I would have TWO beasties in Secondary school come September.. now that made me feel old.. and a little sad..
Still despite getting a call from Blenheim to go and pick Nicholas up as he wasn't feeling well, I still managed to get my high tea in with Mum at Patisserie Valerie in the afternoon, before getting a call from Eastwood to go and pick Alex up as he wasn't feel well either!
I was however thoroughly spoilt and felt the love all day.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Proud Mummy Moment III

For Playing a great game and saving a penalty - Nicholas won Man of the Match yesterday!
