Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Monday, 7 May 2018

Gidey up!

For the last few years Cassandra has loved to ride.  I was looking back over some photos the other week and she first sat on a horse and rode when she was only 3 years old..
She's been having sessions during the holidays at Belfairs Riding school, but is no nearer to getting to having regular ones.

So, after a plea on facebook, yesterday, Cassandra went over to ride Jaffa - a lovely male horse belonging to a lady called Abbie who loans him out for students to learn to ride on.  Cassie was under the watchful eye of Claire who is now going to be teaching her to ride, jump and possibly take part in competitions.

Jaffa was a lovely friendly horse and Cassie was thrilled to be riding him and even more excited to know that she'll be doing this on a regular basis!

Safety first - every rider need a hat.  I did however take out a bonus loyalty card at Ingatestone Saddlery.. I'm thinking I may be back there again....!


Birthday boy!

I have to admit I had a bit of a meltdown on Friday.. Why? 'Cos Alexander turned 14. 

14!!!!!!!  I'm feeling old.....
He had a good birthday, I think, despite having to be at school, but is looking forward to building his remote control car and then racing it!

Alex was born on 4th May - which is, as any true fan knows, Star Wars Day, and the staff at our "local pub" the Walnut Tree in Southend had all dressed up for the occasion.  Alex for one was rather appreciative!

Mum bought him his own flint and steel which he then promptly went out into her garden and built a mini fire!!!

The weekend saw Alex stepping up into a leadership role at 1st Rayleigh's Scout Patrol Camp.  He came home a day early to spend today revising as he has exams all next week, but he had a brilliant time as it was a back to basics camp - putting up tents, cooking, fire lighting, pioneering etc!!


 Next weekend will see him and Lee taking part in one of his birthday gifts....

Jack Petchey Award

Whilst Mum and I were away, Alexander had been invited to attend his Awards Ceremony at the Palace Theatre to be officially presented with his Jack Petchey Award.

"The Jack Petchey Foundations exists to raise the aspirations of young people and to help them take advantage of opportunities and play a full part in society".  An award is given if an individual shows outstanding skills/commitment/achievement in any area.  Last year at Eastwood, only 8 students were awarded one and Alex was one of them!

I was totally gutted I couldn't attend, but Lee, Nicholas and Cassie were there, cheering him on and he was so proud to receive it.

 So very much deserved and a proud moment.


EXPO 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the last 8 years, Mum has been flying out to Florida to attend the HUGE Scrapbook Expo.  This year, courtesy of Mum, I got to go too!!!!!

The day after Cassandra's birthday, Mum and I flew out from Gatwick and had a day by the pool before the Expo started on Thursday.  
The "Mega Make and Take" event was attended by 600 people and we were two of them.  You are given a bag of 12 mini projects to complete during the evening, as well as being able to shop at each supplier's stall and then they each get up for half an hour and demo their project.  
I can't believe I got all 12 completed AND I sat and painstakingly put Diamond Dotz on individually to create this amazing piece...  Going to turn this into a layout!
Friday saw us up bright and early as our first class was at 8.30am - with the fabby Corey from A-Z Scrapbooking. I took a couple more classes than Mum, but we did get to be together for quite a few too - good pre-planning on our part.

This class Mum and I took run by Art Anthology looked amazing, lots of mixed media and mess, but the class wasn't long enough and it took forever for stuff to dry, so all we really got done was the main background.. oh well, best finish that off sometime!
'Cos Mum's been attending for a good few years, she's made some good American friends that she gets to meet up with and this year I got to put a person to a name - Robyn and Paula were great and Ann was another lovely lady we got to spend time with.

Saturday morning we were again up and out early to get in the what seemed like a never ending queue to get our "Golden Tickets" to go into a draw to win a HUGE prize.  Suffice to say it was probably best that we didn't win, we were over our baggage allowance coming home anyway!

 We even found time to shop and do some make and take's on the show floor...
Mum's legs and her breathing were playing her up a bit - not surprising really, with all the walking we had to do to get from one "classroom" to another, the Gaylord Palms is just HUGE, so lots of sitting and resting was done - with a cuppa of course!
When it was all over I had the need to get some of the layouts/projects I hadn't finished out, back at out hotel room and finish some stuff off.
Whilst I missed Lee and the kids, I had SUCH A BRILLIANT week scrappin' and spending time with Mum, I want to go again next year!!!

Thanks Mum - you're awesome!  x


Birthday girl...

So for Cassandra's 9th birthday, I held her a small "spa day/pamper party".  None of that make up lark, way to young for all that, but 5 guests and her was a lovely amount of young ladies to pampe.
 They made their own fruit based face masks..
 Laid in the sun..
 Had a "professional" facial by my friend and therapist Louise..
 Had a lovely bubbly footspa and pedicure..
 Had a maincure and their nails painted..
And the total surprise, got to splash and relax in a hot tub that I'd hired for them all!
 Birthday cake..
And a group sleepover rounded off her party. 

And then she was very happy on her actual birthday with gifts from Lee and I, Nana and Grandad and others and then dinner out with all of us and Mum too :)
Happy birthday little lady,you are growing up way to fast...