Christmas Day this year was going to be good as Cassandra was old enough to actually get involved and be excited and it was great :)
In our house, Santa always leaves each of the kids a present in the dining room and this year was no exception..
Nicholas asked for and got his remote control buggy...
And Cassandra asked for a teddy bear which she got along with a kitchen!
A quick "Mummy and kids" photo shoot then allowed for the kids to each open their sack of pressies from Lee and I...
All were more than happy with what they received.
Then Mum arrived armed with another sack each!!
According to the boys, the best thing being their baby light sabres!
At one stage we even lost the 3 of them in all the paper!!
Nicholas was desperate to try out his car, so Lee took him and Alex over the road to the garages to play :)
A full on dinner followed sometime in the afternoon and the afternoon was spent eating goodies, chocolates and playing with what everyone had received.
A great day :) We'll do it all again tomorrow!!