Monday, 24 August 2009

A wonderful Christening day with family & friends

Despite running around like a looney all morning, and having the help of some good friends (gammon ham, chilli, curry) I was ready on time to take my beautiful daughter up to the Bridgewater Drive Church in Leigh on Sunday to be baptised.

Mum had not only bought Cassie her gorgeous dress, but the boys had very smart new outfits too, and everyone made the effort and looked wonderful!

The local vicar, Rob took the service and it was lovely, Cassie's God parents - Mark Tovell, Tara Reid & Rachel Harkes did an outstanding job saying their bit and then it was all back to ours for lunch and a drink or two..

Thanks to Mum for the yummy trifle, tea bread, rock cakes, and salad stuff, to Rachel for the yummy curry and jugs of Pimms, Kelly for the yummy chilli con carne, to Tina for cooking the gammon hams, to Dawn & Tara for their constant washing up of the glasses and to John & Barbara for the beer and wine!

The sun shone all day and we all had a great time!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


Well, the summer holidays are zipping by, and today's event was Southend Carnival's Fancy Dress Competition.

The boys entered the "pairs" category and came in 3rd place with their "Sandcastles" outfits!

Cassie also entered and won 1st place in the "wheeled entry" category with "Bloom & Grow in Southend".

She also got a 2nd trophy as she was the youngest entrant this year at just 3 months old!!

Big thanks to Mum who worked really hard on all their outfits - thanks Mum!!

We all had a fabby day, albeit way too hot, and came home to a nice play in the paddling pool!

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Back from another week away!

Well, this time round the weather was wonderful and Mum, the kids and I all had a fabby time staying in a caravan up at Great Yarnmouth.

We spent at least 3 of the days at the beach, one time for nearly 7 hours where the boys just dug in the sand, played in the sea and even had a donkey ride! We went swimming, played in the arcades to collect tokens/tickets which we managed to get enough of to win a new full size basketball! (Probably could of bought one cheaper, but hey where's the fun in that)? We went into town, the boys went on the bouncy castle, played in the indoor softplay area, swung on the ariel glide in the adventure playground and we flew a kite. We also hired out one of the old fashioned family bikes - as above. Both Mum's and my legs were killing us by the end of the half hour, but it was fun!

Alex and Nicky made good friends with a family near us and spent lots of time playing with Oliver and Alexandra - to the extent that Alex now wants to marry her!! Sorry, Millie you've been bumped!!

We all had a great time and I'd be happy to go and spend a week in a caravan again sometime :)