Monday, 8 November 2010

It's official...

Blenheim sent home all the children's official school photos the other week...

Not quite sure what Nicholas was looking at..

And Alexander was pulling a very silly smile...

You got to love 'em!!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

All Hallow's Eve...

Halloween came round all too quick and this year new costumes were the order of the day...

Nicholas was a Skeleton Pirate, Cass was origonally a witch, but then opted for the pumpkin, Alexander still loved his slightly too short Spider outfit.

As for me, this year, I became the Bride of Darkness!!!

I got together during half term and took the boys to Partyman with Michelle and her two and they had a great Halloween party, Nichoals got to go up on stage with Jimbo and I even won best dressed "Mummy"!

On Saturday 30th October, my good friend Tina had a party so we all trouped over the road for fun and games...

Then actually came 31st October and the boys and Lee had fun carving their pumpkins....

A session "Trick or Treating" was the final event...

I LOVE Halloween and I have loads of great photos to scrap now too!!