Monday, 23 May 2011


Dam Icelandic volcano - doesn't it know we're due to fly out to America on Thursday!?!??!

Please can everyone keep their fingers crossed the ash cloud goes the other way!!!


Thursday, 19 May 2011

7 days to go!!!!

This time next week we'll be in Florida!!!!!!!


Harry Potter

Well, the preparations took weeks and weeks - but it was all worth it!

I'm in the middle of creating another blog, dedicated entirely to the HP party and will post the link here and on Facebook, but in the meantime a quick synopsis:

Alexander turned 7 and wanted a wizard (namely Harry Potter) party. So.... 5 guest plus my two = 7 students to Hogwarts. All students were asked to arrive with a broomstick...

During "Orientation" the students visited:

  • Gringott’s Bank
  • Madame Malkin’s Robes for Every Occasion
  • Eeylops Owl Emporium
  • Olivander’s Wands

Classes came next, the first being Divination and being taught by Professor Trelawney (AKA Mum) and boy did she look the part!

Potions Class

Spells, Incantations and Charms Class

Defence against the Dark Arts Class

Quidditch training

Considering I'd gone with the standard 2 hour party, it was a good job all the kids were staying for a sleep over as events seriously over ran so we never did two of the potions in potions class or Care of Magical Creatures class! I just about remembered to order pizza for supper!

When a child tells you that it's the best party he's ever been to - it makes all the hard work worth while...


Friday, 6 May 2011

Big girl!

Well it seemed a good idea, at 2 that Cassie went into a big girl's bed... Peppa Pig and all, but no. Would she stay in it? No. So, an hour and half later when she finally fell asleep, we had to pick her up and put her into bed.

Fingers crossed for tonight....


Birthday boy!

I can't believe that Alexander turned 7 on Wednesday.... where did the time go?

He was a very happy bunny in the morning as we had bought him a DSi XL that he'd been going on about for AGES. We also got him Mario Kart to go with it and amongst his other pressies, Mum bought him Harry Potter for it - and he's already completed 2 levels apparently...

After school I took the kids over to Rayleigh Mega Play for a play and tea and Nannie, Nana & Grandad came along too. Daddy meet us there after work.

Not the clearest of photos (Lee hasn't edited them yet) but he liked his DS cake!

All the preparations have been undertaken for the much talked about Harry Potter party tomorrow night... all will be revealed soon...
