Monday, 23 May 2016

One photo, 20 words...

The joys of being the coach's wife...

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Mud, mud, glorious mud...

Further to taking part last year, the beasties went for it again at the weekend - Nuclear Rookies Mud Run, held at Kelvedon, Brentwood.
Only this year, after telling her friend all about it, Cassandra's bud Millie decided that she wanted to do it too!

So then it was the boy's turn....

 So much fun and so so proud of all of them.


Friday, 6 May 2016

Feeling old...

Alexander turned 12 on Wednesday and I have to say it's the first time that I've actually thought about the fact that not only are my beasties getting older, but I am too...

Alex has been finding it a little tough to concentrate on doing his ever growing amount of homework with Nicholas and Cassandra around him, so Lee and I bought him a laptop - to say he was pleased is an understatement!
 After school, we had the Nan's come over and a mini tea party ensued..

 With chocolate cake of course...

Happy happy birthday young man... love you to the moon and beyond.
