Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Simply yummy!

Alexander was very pleased this week when he realised that his strawberries this year had actually ripenend and they could be picked and eaten!

They were truely lush!!

One photo, 20 words..

Year 6 Leavers Production in a few weeks - Alexander is playing the part of Sgt Stoat!

Thursday, 25 June 2015

That time of the academic calendar again

The school summer term always seems to be a bit of a coasting one to me, there's swim galas, borough sports, cricket festivals, etc etc and of course sports day.

As I still have children in both upper and lower school, it ends up being a whole day's event for me... Still there I was cheering on KS1 in the morning - and Cassie did brilliantly in her team, put in loads of effort and had fun at the same time.

 She was rewarded when Red House - her house won overall at the end of the morning!

After a picnic lunch on the field, Nicholas was his usual sporting tenacious self, doing well in all of his events and one of the other Mum's even commented that she was suprised at just how fast he can run in the 50m relay sprint!

Alexander hates sports day, mainly as he dislikes any kind of physical sporting event, but also as he tends to be put in a team with children that are not very good at any of the activities - which is kind of frustrating for him...  Anyway, he ended up a bit happier as his House - blue won overall at the end of the afternoon.

Thanks to Mum for coming along and supporting the kids too, especially as I felt as though it was my sports day due to having to run from one side of the field to the other to ensure that I could watch and support both boys!

Swim galas next week!!!!!!

One Photos, 20 words

Cassandra and Emma - sleepover friends x

Sunday, 14 June 2015

One photo, 20 words...

So proud to have his rainbow cake on display in a shop window!

Fun day!

Being a Beaver Scout leader is so rewarding, and yesterday Sue and I took our Beaver Scouts along with about 50 others on a coach to Skreens in Chelmsford for the bi-anual Beaver Scout Fun day.
This year it was a circus theme and it was just brilliant!  There was a huge "big top" that was a craft tent with over 12 different circus themed crafts to make and do - Cassandra loved her lion mask!
 In the main field was a whole area of circus skills to be learnt..
 and on site she tried her hand at fencing,
 climbing & absailing
 cross bows,
 a jacobs ladder
And amongst other activities, took part in the space hopper race!

All the beavers had a great day and I'm proud to be part of an organisation that offers so much to young people..

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Wild Woods

I honestly can't remember the last time I had such an enjoyable day with the kids.. (although saying that I did only have two of them and when you take any one of them out of the equation, the other two are normally okay).  

Lee was very happy to secure two tickets to the FA cup final, so off he and Nicholas went to Wembley last Saturday and Mum, Alexander, Cassandra and I all went off to Hockley wood for "Wild Woods Day"!
 I was blown away by all the different activities the kids to try - they both made necklaces

 Alexander fell in love with the owl called "Cassie"
 As did Cassie with her little feathered friend.
 After a bit of paintball,
 fire stoking and cooking
 It was time for some axe throwing?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 To say I was almost hyperventilating is an understatement!
 Then it was on to fire lighting,
 and climbing
And all this was FREE!!!!!

Definately a date in my diary for next year!

We're all going to the zoo tomorrow...

Well, we actully went last week!  We always try and do something all together as a family for the kids birthday's and this year Cassandra said that she wanted to go to the zoo.  We were just a little late getting there!

After arriving and meeting Puddles the penguin, we went off to see some real ones!

The sealion show was next
  and then a general wonder around the zoo...

   The kids got to feed the giraffes and the elephants!

Ole little legs hitched a ride on Daddy's shoulders on the way out, but said she had a great time!