Saturday, 29 June 2019


Alex has always loved pottering around in the garden and this week he was so pleased that some fruits of his labour have paid off in potatoes!
We had them with dinner last week and everyone said they were yummy!


Time is fleeting...

Last Monday the boys were both asked to help out at their school's open evening for potential new students.  Eastwood Academy then closed at lunch time to prepare.
I can't believe that NEXT year, Sept 2020 Cassandra will be at Secondary school... She enjoyed looking around and I think will be happy there, even though Alexander would have left when she starts..


Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Thursday, 20 June 2019

En guard!

The other week Alexander announced that he wanted to take up a new 'sport'.  Anyone that knows him, will know that Alex doesn't do 'sport'.  However, fencing is indeed part of the Olympics.
 And who am I to deny him the opportunity to learn to stab someone with a sword!?!?!?
So there he was last week, over at Wickford Fencing club, learning the art of attack and defence with a sabre and an epee from the master that is Steve.
He had a brilliant time and has decided that he wants to continue and do this for his physical section for his Silver DofE.

Yay, Alex is into a sport!!!!


Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Update on life...

So life as usual, has been busy and other than scrapbooking challenges, I thought I'd best recap what's been occurring with us Butler's over the last month or so...

Back to Alex's birthday and the fact that Mum bought him a driving experience which he took part in a few weeks ago.  On the top floor of a car park at Lakeside!!

Mum was allowed to go too as a passenger.  I choose to remain firmly out of the way and took the photos!  He absolutely loved it and now thinks he's the best driver ever.... not

Alexander undertook his practice Bronze DofE expedition with the school the other week.  He had to get from his school in Eastwood to Belchamps scout camp in Hockley (and it rained) but he was successful!

1st Rayleigh Scout group had their annual target sports day that same day, so with no Alex, Cassandra and I popped in on the way home from riding where she shot and threw things, finally persevering with her axes and getting it in target!

Then the middle of last month, after Cassandra's beloved pony that she used to ride, Ashdene Primrose came home for permanent retirement, we finally got to go and see her and Cassandra and Prim were reunited again!  Thank you Alison for letting us come over.

Our shed in the garden is almost on it's last legs, but in an attempt to eeek it out for a bit longer, came 'the shed project' a whole family affair of helping to rebuild it..
 I merely provided the tea and tided up!

and then the other weekend came the painting and voila!  Good for at least another few years!

So moving on to Cassandra's belated birthday pressie which was to go and see Annie at the CLiffs Pavilion.  Main reason being that Craig Revel-Horwood was playing Miss Hannigan and we both think he's great on Strictly...
I've always been a bit of a groupie, so despite her protests, round we went with loads of others to the stage door to meet the man himself after the show.  And meet him we did!  Cassie told him he was just fab-u-lous and he called her darling!  Her evening was made!!

And finally,  Alex successfully got through his actual DofE Bronze expedition at the weekend.  Despite all the challenges he faced during it, he pushed himself to achieve and I'm so proud of him.

I think that about brings it all up to date..


Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Archi-scraps - Read and Relax

This was the inspiration photo over at Archi-Scraps, for their June Challenge..

Cassandra has always loved to read and I just caught her the other month, curled up on the swing at the end of our garden, enjoying her book in the sun.  Moments like these are just priceless.

Managing to include the required book paper was easy as it went so well with the layout.

Challenge runs until the end of the month


Sunday, 9 June 2019

Scrap our Stash - Friends are the bacon..

I really liked the sketch over at Scrap our Stash this month, and as I've said  before, I've always got lots of photos to get on a page.  These photos I took when we spent Christmas Eve with some good friends in 2016.
Not too keen on ole SpongBob Square Pants, but I went with the square embellishments in the form of brads in the bottom right hand corner.  Maybe I need to add some Christmas embelli's too?!
Challenge is open until the end of the month.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

ATDML - Purr

The Alphabet Challenge over at ATDML this month is the letter 'K'.  Inspiration ideas as stated below:

So I went with Kittens - This photo was taken of Elsa and Toys our two gorgeous black panther's that we got from the Cats Protection League back in 2014.  They'll still sit on my lap all snuggled up...

Challenge can be found here, but layouts tobe uploaded to their FaceBook page.

Scrap the Girls - Best Friends Forever

Loved the inspiration photo over at Scrap the Girls this month...
First thing that I thought of was two old ladies that had been friends for ages...  So using that inspiration, I found some photos of my daughter and her friends that I took at one of her class assemblies back in 2014.
I'm pleased to say that Cassie is actually still friends with these girls 5 years on. 

Challenge runs for a while yet...


Let's Get Sketchy - Spread your wings

So taking full advantage of having a bit of time on my hands this afternoon, I used this gorgeous photo of Cassie for the challenge over at Let's Get Sketchy!
I flipped the doiley the other way, due to the paper I used, but I'm really quite pleased with how it came out.
Lots of time still to enter - challenge can be found here:


Let's Scrap Sketches - Belchamps Mud Run

So I had a rare span of time on my hands today and as I'm working my way through my double layouts, I thought I'd take inspiration from the sketch over at Let's Scrap Sketches.

I pretty much kept to the sketch, but then covered most of it up with photos!! Story of my life!

Challenge is open until end of June
