Sunday, 12 February 2012

Birthday girl!

Saturday 11th February 2012 - was Mum's 65th birthday and I'd arranged a very big treat for her to celebrate this milestone..

I went and picked her up Saturday morning and brought her back to our house for pressies, a wonderful large cupcake made by my good friend Charmaine and to see the kids..

Mum and I then set off on the train up to London...

 After various clues she guessed that we were going for afternoon tea at the Ritz!

I'd had the booking made for over a year and it was def. worth it

The sandwiches really did have all the crusts cut off...

The cakes kept on being replaced..

and then there were fresh warm scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam...

 and then one of the waiter's brought out Mum's birthday cake!

We just couldn't eat any more so they kindly boxed up the cake to take home.

Mum said she'd had a really good time.  I'm thinking a double page scrapbook layout coming up..



The last few weeks have seen Alex working hard on his Tudor's project for school and on Friday he had to present his work to the rest of his class.

He'd chosen to focus on one person from the era - namely Sir Francis Drake and had worked hard on his powerpoint presentation which was full of information on him and what he was famous for (first Englishman to sail around the world) etc etc.  He also made, and painted a boat - representing the "Golden Hind", Sir Francis Drake's ship.

I was thrilled for him when he came home and told me he'd come 4th in his class - voted for by his classmates!!!!

So proud of you little man.


Guilty or not?!?!

Well week one was interesting...

After finally being chosen for Jury service on Tuesday I had a 4 day ABH case to contemplate.  Whilst I thought the guy was clearly guilty, my fellow jurors thought that he had acted in self defence so a "not guilty" verdict had to be returned.  And by me as I'd somehow been elected foreman!

Week 2 saw me sitting on a theft case, but after a day of hearing evidence, the judge directed us to find him "not guilty" too as he felt that the police had not investigated certain allegations thoroughly..

It was an interesting two weeks and I'd be happy to sit again.
