Thursday, 31 March 2011


I cry every time I hear this song, it's just touches my heart.

So, this is for every Daddy who has a beautiful little girl and to every little girl who has a wonderful Daddy....


Thursday, 17 March 2011

Happy Birthday to me.....

I had a fabby birthday last week which seemed to go on all week :)

On Monday I was treated to lunch by my bestest bud Rachel.

On my actual birthday of Wednesday, my other bestest bud Michelle took me to the cinema and to lunch and then in the evening after tea, cake and pressies, Mum and I went to see Agatha Christie's "The Verdict" at the Palace Theatre.

On Friday, the hubster and I went to Aroma for oodles of shreaded duck and to see "Adjustment Bureau" with the yummy Matt Damon in...

Finally, on Saturday, I was out with my girls to Zen City for more chinese food a very good evening was had by all!

Many thanks to everyone for their best wishes, cards and pressies, I felt truly loved!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Love your Smile

I managed to finish the latest Total Papercrafts Masterclass layout -a gorgeous page with photos of our gorgeous girlie!


Saturday, 5 March 2011

It's a girl!!!!

Our good friends Stu & Xuan, after many years of trying, finally became the proud parents to Amanda Lauren last week.

Many many congrats to them both on the safe arrival of their BEAUTIFUL baby girl!


Dinosaur - raarrr!!!

At half term, whilst Cassie was in nursery, Lee and I took the boys to "Dinosaurs Unleashed" up at the O2 in London.

It was AWESOME!!!

Whilst most of the photos didn't come out too well due to the lighting, the ones we got show just how HUGE these creatures were...

There were lots of interactive things for the boys to get involved with from computer quizes, fossil digging, and huge jigsaws...

My favourite has always been Steggy, Alex liked T-Rex (he would - the biggest and most fierce of them all) and Nicholas liked one that I can't even pronounce it's name!

Lee, being the big kid that he is, could name every single one and pronounce them all too... Apparently it's a "boy thing"?!?!
