Monday, 26 January 2009

Competition entry

First time I've been brave enough to enter a piece of my art work into a competition, but thought it was worth a go! Hope you all like the "LOVE" album I made for my husband for our anniversary last year - pennies were a bit tight, and hand made gifts are always a good bet anyhow!

I'm not a fast worker, but this actually took me ages, as I've got a photo on each page for each year we've been married along with embellishments and love sayings.

Needless to say, he loved it!

Friday, 23 January 2009

??? Quiz Night ???

As an active member of the school PTA, a plug for our next event..


Friday, 6th February 2009

7pm for 7.30pm start
in the main school hall

£3.50 per person
Advance tickets on sale at school office now or just come along
on the evening

Max 8 per team

Bring own drinks and nibbles

Tel: Blenheim Primary School 01702 474684

My baby's starting "school"

Well, I think it was more traumatic for me than for Nicholas, but after a long debate and many discussions and lists of pro's and con's we decided to take Nicholas out of Sunshine Day Nursery and enrol him into the Children's Centre at Blenheim.

His first day was Monday and after a bit of a rocky start (mainly due to my hormones and lack of communication) Nicholas loved it!

He's going to be going to "school" as we're calling it, three days a week and so far he's had a brilliant first week - with hopefully many more to come...

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Happy 3rd birthday Nicholas!

Well, after a very busy week of prep - Nicholas' birthday went well.

I'd organised a fancy dress Scooby Doo themed party for him and 8 of his friends, so inc him and Alex there was only 10 wee ones running around my house for 2 hours!

I had planned it out so that the kids had to solve the mystery of the missing presents with clues and games along the way which they all loved. The only thing was I didn't factor in the scary monster factor at the end which scared half the kids to screaming point :( I'd hired Lee a brilliant Gargoyle outfit which the head could be removed as all the baddies in Scooby Doo are always people dressed up in moster outfits.... Once Alex had taken the face off and they saw it was Lee everyone calmed down .... ho hum.. lesson learnt!

He was a very lucky little boy and received loads of fabby pressies - thank you so much!

Thanks also to Mum for her help on the day :)

Friday, 9 January 2009

Competiton entry

Mum's entered a scrappin' competition using a layout of Nicholas!

Monday, 5 January 2009

First day of term

Well, the weather was certainly appropriate for the first day of the Winter term - in that it was snowing on the way to school this morning!!

The boys had great fun scraping the snow from the walls and making snowballs to throw!

Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy New Year!

A tad late and yes I know I haven't been posting much (well, at all really) but I have no idea where the time goes really. With 3 boys to look after (I always count Lee as one of my boys - especially on long car journey's when he's the one whining to go to the loo) I hardly get a mo. to myself, let alone time to blog.

However, my resolution this year is to find time for me (ha ha ha - yeah right) to blog and to scrap more.

Opps, forgot, I'm having a baby in April!!!!!!

Well, that's that New Year's resolution out the window already then!