Sunday, 24 February 2013


I've really been going through it lately with some horrible stuff going on around me - bitchy comments, back-stabbing from people that I thought were my friends but are obviously not.

After meeting up with two of my oldest and bestest friends today - Dawn & Tara, I've come to realise that those people that are important in my life are the ones that are always there...

The people that are always only a phone call away... I know who you are and I want you to know that I love and cherish you all.


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

About a Boy - Brenshevia - Feb 15th Challenge

The 2nd "About a Boy" challenge was to create a layout of one of the boys in your life, when they were wee - age group 0-12 months.

This is a layout of Nicholas when he was 9 months old playing with some bubbles that I was blowing for him - it was so funny..


Monday, 18 February 2013

Strictly Come Dancing

Mum has always been a HUGE fan of the TV programme Strictly come dancing - so when the opportunity arose to go and see Bad Boy - Brendon Cole's "Licence to Thrill" dancing show at the Cliffs Pavilion, I grabbed the chance and bought Mum tickets for her birthday!

It was absolutely amazing - the dancing was full of energy and the costumes were stunning.

An unusual question and answer session in the middle was brilliant - mainly due to the fact that my question got picked to be read out.  Think that may of been due to my cheeky second part which complimented him on his tight bum and where I asked for a feel!  Mr Cole readily obliged and Mum got it all on camera!!!

Mum and I played groupies after the show which was worthwhile as not only did the man himself sign my programme, but Mum got this brill pic!!!

Happy birthday Mum!!


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

About a Boy Blog - 1st Challenge

This is my entry into a challenge on a new blog site called "About a boy" challenges for scrapbook layouts all about BOYS only!
Brenshevia - 1st Feb challenge was to simply introduce the boys in our lives...


Monday, 4 February 2013

Only awarded for trust...

Very proud Mummy moment tonight..

Not only did Alex receive his Collector's badge, Creative Challenge and Fitness Challenge badges, but also his "Sixer" badge.  This badge is awarded for trust from his pack leaders.

So thrilled for him!


Sunday, 3 February 2013

They won!!!!

The Leigh Ramblers U7 Tigers won today!!!

Playing against Ashingdon Youth Tigers, Nichols put is goalie training into practice and saved a couple of tries, whilst he was in goal in the first half (although he did say he was "really bored" which meant down the other end of the pitch, Reuben scored his first goal - good team hugs there too :)
During the 2nd half, Nicholas was out on pitch (all toasty in his hat, gloves and skin) yelling for the ball when Sam was taking a throw in...
The final score was 2-0, Man of the Match Reuben having scored both goals.
Way to go boys!!!


Blog challenge and candy: Lucky Flutterby Collections

I'm on a serious roll at the mo with regards to my scrapbooking and I've been entering lots of various challenges on lots of different blogs.

One blog - Lucky Flutterby Collections - have their first blog challenge (with candy) and it's to create a Valentine's day themed project.

Now I'm not normally a project kind of individual, but I made the above LOVE book for Lee for our anniversary.  So, I've entered :)
