Tuesday, 28 April 2015

One photo, 20 words..

It's all about the shoes...

SOS Swim Gala

Nicholas' passion has always been football, however he also enjoys his swimming.

So much so that his hard work paid off recently when he was selected as the only child in the Academy squad at SOS (Southend Swimming Club) to join with some other students in a team to enter the Braintree swimming gala.
I was gutted I couldn't actually go with him and support him as I was at Scouts Renewal of Promise with Alexander and Cassandra, however Lee went and supported by some of my friends whose kids were entering too, he did really well..
He got to swim in 4 events and did wonderfully for his first gala and overall SOS came in 4th!

Way to go little man, another proud mummy moment.

The big 6!

Well, that's it.  She's now six years old....
My little lady turned 6 last Thursday and she's now "a big girl" apparently... not to big to still want a wiggle scooter as I call it!
For her birthday, we'd changed the theme of her party from Frozen (which has been done to death) to Cinderella!
Invitations were sent out to 11 other princess (including Cassie's friend Lola who has the same great taste in dresses) to come along to a tea party and ball after school and  once everyone had arrived, "high tea" was served in the garden..

 Wonders of wonders..
 Cinderella herself stopped by in her ball gown in to wish Cassandra a very happy 6th birthday...

 Princess fun and games followed

and after singing happy birthday and blowing out her candles
 Cassandra was crowned a "real" princess..

 My heartfelt thanks go to Mandy of Tiddlywinks Parties and to Jenna - a most beautiful Cinderella!

Thursday, 23 April 2015


The theme at Scrap Africa was 'to use pencils on a project''.  I wanted to think outside the box for this challenge so actually used an overlay that is all pencils for a layout of the kids - the last one with them all together in 2014. 
30th April is the closing date so still time to enter the challenge.

Monday, 20 April 2015


Another very proud Mummy moment yesterday..

Alexander and Nicholas took part in a 1.5km swimathon for Marie Curie Cancer.  They each swum 30 lengths of Clements Hall pool to achieve this and managed to raise £100!!!!

Such an achievement for them both.

Thank you so much to anyone that sponsored them, the money will be put to good use.

Sketchabilities #137

I loved the simple sketch challeng over at Sketchabilities.. and this photo of Nicholas and Cassandra in the woods earlier this year was perfect for it..
Still time to enter as closing date is: 28th April 2015

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Growing up...

My little lady will be 6 next week and as such decided that she wanted to get her hair cut!!!

So, after reading a review about a rather good local child friendly hair salon called Penneys, I took Cassandra this morning to get her locks chopped off.

My beautiful baby girl is growing up way too fast for my liking..

Thursday, 9 April 2015

One photo and 20 words

A user's photo.
Love Nicholas to bits, but returning from footie training with a shoe full of black bits... not so much!

Better late than never...

Seems like I haven't blogged for AGES... Busy busy as usual, more so with the sprogs off for Easter...

So, what's been occuring?  I've become a secret shopper!  It's great, I used to do it for Waitrose, but now I work for a marketing company (only as and when mind you) and get to go into different venues checking out the staff and the place and getting a few pennies in reinbursement.  It's quite fun!

I took the kids to see the new Cinderella movie last week - Cassandra LOVED it (as did I - my all time fav Disney fairtale) to the extent that Cassie is now having a Cinderella themed birthday party later this month!
I treated Cassie to a special photo shoot last week too at Pauls' Studio - it was part of their bi-yearly Elves and Fairies shoot, and she's entered this photo into their competiton.  You have to like the company's facebook page and like Cassie's photo and the most number of "likes" wins.
A user's photo.
I would really appreicate eveyone clicking on the link above and liking her pic pls!

I went with Lee to the cinema to see the next installment of the Divergent series which was great!
I went with my Mum to the Towngate Theatre last weekend to see "Grumpy Old Women"  Never having seen the series I found myself just laughing out loud at what these older women were commenting on... pop socks included!

One of my very good friends' got married last Saturday - at St Mary's Church in Prittlewell, so that brought back many memories for Lee and I as that's where we got married!
 Kelly looked beautiful and the whole afternoon was lovely.
We even managed to get a decent photo of all 5 of us!!!

Easter saw us over at Mum's on Good Friday for a brilliant clue themed egg hunt and over at Barb and John's on Sunday for dinner.  Two very enjoyable days.

Tuesday saw us all up at the hospital for Nicholas to have his blood test for possible diabetes - he was soooooooooo brave and then we ventured to Pizza Express for lunch.   Now that Pizza Hut in Southend has closed - we really need to find another pizza place!

Wednesday saw Nicholas at 1GK Goalie traning for the day, Alex spent the day at a friend's house and Cassandra spent time at a Frozen dancing workshop with some of her school friends.

Today all 3 of the spogs are at Mega Camp - quite ecited as they have quad bikes available today and the Lee and I are off to the cinema to see the final film Paul Walker made - Fast & Furious 7.  I'm told that they've given him a decent send off, but I may still need to take some tissues...
Well, best get on..