Back in August of last year, a group of guys were down at Tesco all dressed in combats showing off the latest air guns... Elite Force paintball caught the boys' eyes and Nicholas decided that's what he wanted to do for his 9th birthday this year.
So, I booked it all up back then and yesterday I took Nicholas along with his brother Alexander and 4 of his friends - Jack, Ryan, Harry & Reuben up to Upminster to Elite to run around shooting people.
They had a great time..
Blues vs. Reds (although the red team were a bit pants) and they thrashed them!
They got 4 games that after spliting one end and the other they actually got like 8 games over 4 different "maps".
When the games were over I took all the muddy little people home to our house for a pizza tea and chocolate cake!
Jack and Ryan slept over and suffice to say, Nicholas had a good almost week long celebration of turning 9 years old!