Friday, 24 April 2009


We are thrilled to announce the later than expected arrival of Cassandra Sharon Butler born at 12.44pm on Thursday, 23rd April 2009 and weighing in at 7lb 12oz.

Mum and Cassie are at home now with two doting big brothers fussing around them and a proud Daddy too :)

Monday, 20 April 2009

It's got to be time soon?!?!?

Well, I'm STILL pregnant - 8 days late now, just like Nicholas was.

I do however have an induction booked for Wednesday, 22nd April 2009 at 8am.

I do still have two days to go until then, so hopefully stubon Bubba B III will make an appearance before then, as I really don't want to be induced :(

Thursday, 16 April 2009

I'm still with bump..

Officially 4 days over due and I've totally had enough now.

My tummy thinks it's going to explode and even the boys are getting impatient to meet their new brother or sister....


Sunday, 12 April 2009

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ......

Our two budding little engineers constructed a launchpad earlier today for the previously constructed space shuttle.

Amazing what can be built using cereal boxes and some imagination!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

I'm still preggers....

Despite still having 4 days to officially go (although it could be another 14 if I go over my due date - max 10 days) I'm still no nearer to having baby Butler no.3.

Lee's also decided that the baby is a girl, as only a girl can give so much grief and not even be born yet!

Sunday, 5 April 2009

The next David Beckham?

Nicholas is doing so well at Mini Footie - he loves being in goal and saved loads of goals today. He'll be moving up a class soon :)

Way to go little man!

He's our boy!

We are so proud of Alexander as when he came out of school on Friday, he had been awarded a trophy in assembly by the Headteacher as

"Blenheim Schools' Most Improved Student of the Year" in his Reception year".

Only two children get this award in each year group, so way to go little man!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

My beautiful boys

I just love this photo - a rare moment of brotherly love!

It's just a waiting game...

Well after getting my hopes up yesterday afternoon after I saw the midwife who having had 3 kids herself, agreed that 3rd time round is the worst, she gave me a sweep and said that the baby's head is engaged and that I was already 1cm dilated!

Everyone was then on tender hooks and primed to go in the middle of the night.... but nothing.

Ho hum....