I had to be there for 9am, so after much organisation, the boys went to school via the walking bus (thanks Heather)! and Mum came and met me at the Courts to take Cassandra off for the day.
There were 15 of us that had been summond to attend, and we were all waiting to be selected, but at 10.30am we were "released" for an hour to go and have a cuppa. A few of us ventured next door to the cafe at at the Civic Centre for a late breakfast.
Back again and hanging around only to be "released" at 12.30 for an early lunch, told to come back at 2pm.
This we all did but at 3.20pm we were all "dismissed" for the day by the Judge and told to come back tomorrow :(
I knew I'd have some waiting, but 6 1/2 hours of just sitting around and not to have even been selected is disappointing. A total waste of a day - there was just soooooooooo much I could of got done. Saying that I did spend a couple of hours studying for my next Psychology OU TMA.
Still, there is always tomorrow...