Monday, 30 January 2012

yes Your Honour.....

I was just sooooooooooooo excited today - I was scheduled to start my first ever jury service this morning at Southend Magaistrate Courts!

I had to be there for 9am, so after much organisation, the boys went to school via the walking bus (thanks Heather)! and Mum came and met me at the Courts to take Cassandra off for the day.

There were 15 of us that had been summond to attend, and we were all waiting to be selected, but at 10.30am we were "released" for an hour to go and have a cuppa.  A few of us ventured next door to the cafe at at the Civic Centre for a late breakfast.

Back again and hanging around only to be "released" at 12.30 for an early lunch, told to come back at 2pm.

This we all did but at 3.20pm we were all "dismissed" for the day by the Judge and told to come back tomorrow :(

I knew I'd have some waiting, but 6 1/2 hours of just sitting around and not to have even been selected is disappointing.  A total waste of a day - there was just soooooooooo much I could of got done.  Saying that I did spend a couple of hours studying for my next Psychology OU TMA.

Still, there is always tomorrow...


Sunday, 22 January 2012

Scrap attack!

I'm actually managing to keep to my New Year's resolution so far this year in that I'm making time to scrapbook.

I spent most of the day at Eastwood Scrappers on Saturday and although I only got 3 layouts completed, I'm very, very pleased with them...

This is one of my all time favourite layout's that I've ever done, as it was all my own - no kit!  I also very rarely scrap layouts of just myself, but I'd just had my hair cut and highlighted in this photo and felt the need for it to be scrapped..

After reading up on different ways of taking photos for scrapbooking, instead of taking a picture of Cassie, I just took a photo of her feet showing her first ever shoes...

I love this photo of the boys taken whilst we were away in the Forest of Dean in 2010.  It shows that sometimes they do love each other!


Birthday boy....

I just can't fathom where the time has gone...  Nicholas was 6 last week... how the hell did that happen!?!?!?

I finally gave in and said that Nicholas could have his DS - a year earlier than Alex, but what do you do when the younger one is as good as the older one?!

Nicholas was in stitches over his card...

Love this pic of our two boys...

Nannie of course came over after school with lots of pressies...

And when Lee got home and Uncle Tony & Christine came over after school, a football cake
was in order for the birthday boy!

Saturday morning saw Nana and Grandad bringing over the photo picture they had had done of our little "Gunner" as one of his birthday pressie's along with his BigTrack!

Then, came the much talked about "football party" ...

The Butler family just had to support our "team"

Nicholas got a bit of practice in before everyone turned up...

As did Cassie!

 Everyone knows you have to warm up first..

 And then pick your end..

 With your fellow team mates..

 And try to get dressed...

Nicholas had a fabby afternoon

As did all those that came along and helped him celebrate turning a big 6!

Oh, and don't forget all the food and CAKE!!

Love you loads Nicholas. xx


Sunday, 15 January 2012

And we're off!

Last Monday I signed up my first new Avon team member for 2012!!!

I'm on a mission this year to increase my team and my sales as not only do I want to achieve President's Club status, but more importantly, I want to use my commission to take the kids (that includes Lee) to Lapland to meet Father Christmas this year.

So, I have availability for new team members! If you or anyone you know would like to earn some extra cash - working hours to suit you & around the kids, then please let me know! 

I offer a £5 spend in the Avon book with me to anyone who recommends a possible rep, that once signed up, places their first minimum order.  I cover most local areas, offer full training, no start up costs and you can get
earning immediately.

Please email me on


Just keep scrappin'...

Last Saturday I spent a very pleasant time at Jackie's scrapbooking day in Benfleet.

It was kind of a "finish your pages" day for me and I was very pleased with some of the ones I got done...

I wouldn't say they are the best layouts I've ever done or the most complicated, but I was very pleased with the results.

One of my New Year's resolutions is to scrap more in 2012.  Not only do I have the ongoing challenge of yearly photos (I'm only a year behind)!, but I have Lee's Safari trip to South Africa and our family holiday to Florida that I want to get done too....  I can feel a weekend's retreat coming on.....!!!


Friday, 6 January 2012

Oooooh Errrr Mrs....

Alexander has recently started karate and tonight he got his gi!

He was very happy to pose a few moves for the camera!


Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Proud of our boys yesterday!

At swim school Alexander achieved "Kingfisher 1"

and Nicholas achieved "Goldfish 3"

Way to go boys!!!


I can't believe it!!!

After pigging out all over Chrimbo and eating whatever I fancied, at weigh in on Tuesday the scales told me I'd only put on 1/2lb!!!

I think they may have been wrong, but I'm still within target weight!!!


2012 is here!!!

Every year for the last few, we've made our own tradition and gone out for breakfast/brunch on New Years' day.  Normally down to one of the cafe's along the seafront, but this year I wanted to go to Bobby Jo's.

It's a fairly new American themed diner just past the Kursaal run by Bobby and his wife Jo!

The staff there all even dress like it's the 50's - I loved it!

Full breakfast, toast and bacon sandwiches were on order as were milkshakes..

And everyone liked their fabby "knickerbockerglory" milkshakes!

A short wonder along the seafront for some very "fresh" air saw us return home cold, but in good spirits.

Happy New year!


Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Year's Eve

Since we've had the kids, we've not been out on New Year's Eve as they are just still too young to be out that late.

However, this year a spur of the moment conversation with my good friend Charmaine saw us all literally over the road at her house for a fun night of Sing Star on the play station and playing on the XBox Kinect.

 We ALL gave it a go....

 Deena was lucky enough to get cuddles from Cassie..

 Sophie and Alex sang well

 Although I think Char & Lee did the best!

Saying that Lee and Darren's version of "3 times a lady" was a good try..

 The girls...

 The kids (minus Josh & Jacob)

 Alex has always had a "thing" for Jasmine...

 Jack & Nicholas trying to white water raft in a dingy!

 The wine was going down well at this stage..

Alex out sung Lauren - at what I can't remember!

We didn't quite make it to midnight, but the kids did wonderfully well and we ALL had a simply fabulous evening - can't wait till the next one!!

Thanks so much Charmaine xx
