So after many years of wanting a dog, Lee finally gave in last Christmas. It's taken some planning and the agreement was that when I had secured a position at a school, we could get one. However, this was not to be due to COVID-19. I was devastated that after all my training and final qualification to be a teacher, that I had no role for September.
My hopes for getting a family dog were almost shattered, however, I suffered quite badly during lockdown and with nothing else to focus on, nothing to look forward to (just like many others) I was feeling more down. I kept on looking at dog websites and found a Springadoor litter and secured one for collection after our week in Wales.
We brought our gorgeous boy, Endor (named after the forest moon in Star Wars) home in the middle of August to join our family.
He's settling in well, and bar the teething biting issues, is a delight to have around...
He is already loved by many!