Sunday, 29 November 2015

One photo, 20 Words

Love my kids!
A special pamper session just for me by Alexander and Cassandra on Saturday was most appreciated...


Back in June of this year, a friend of mine told me about a competition that Edes (a cooking/kitchen shop in Leigh) were running. 

Children had to bake a cake and then they got to have it displayed in the shop window.  Alex, as was imaginable, was very much up for the challenge.

So he baked an AWESOME rainbow cake (all by himself I hasten to add) and entered that.

On Friday afternoon, I got a call from Edes to say that he'd won!   I was so excited, he's had such a bum ride the last few months, what with being so poorly and missing so much time from school, that he deserved a break.  I picked him up from school and told him the good news and he was over the moon.
So Friday evening, Mum, Alexander, Cassandra and I went down to the Leigh lights switch on to collect his prize (which we didn't even know what it was as he wasn't bothered about it when he entered, he was more thrilled about having his cake in the the shop window).  Two Adventure Island tickets later, he was one happy young man.


Tuesday, 24 November 2015

One photo, 20 words...

Now that, is a mug of Hot Chocolate!

Another proud "wifey" moment

I have many many proud mummy moments, but last week was a proud wifey moment as Lee received his Goal Keeping Level 1 certificate in the post.
So proud of the way that he's thrown himself into coaching children to imporove their game of football.

Love him lots!


More football!

Blenehim Primary School have a school football team, mostly made up of Year 6 pupils, however everynow and again, some Year 5 kids get in and this year, Nicholas made the pack...
 He played in his first tournament for the school last week, held at Allyan Court in Southend and did a great job as goalie..

The team didn't too well, but considering it was the boys' first time all playing together as a team, I think they did brilliantly!


Beaver Scouts and Water...

In my role of Beaver Scouts Leader and programme planner, I'm trying to get us all out and about as much as possible, so last week 30 chilren, a few young leaders, Sue and I all went to visit our local fire station..

I'm up for most things, so when one of the fire fighters offered for one of us to get into gear, I was "volunteered"!

It's all rather heavy to say the least and then these brave pepole go into a burning building to rescue someome!
Although ALexander wasn't with us, his favourite piece of equipment has always been the "jaws of life"!
 Nicholas was kept warm thanks to Abbi..

And Cassandra's favourite part of the visit was, like most of the other Beavers, when she got to play with the hose!

Thank you Blue Watch of Leigh Fire Station for a great visit.


Monday, 16 November 2015

Challenge YOUrself 23

I haven't really had much time of late to scrap due to life getting in the way, but I thought this photo of my good friend Zoe and I taken earlier this year went well with the main paper and the bling set it off perfectly.
I used Challenge YOUrself's TicTacToe for inspiration - middle line going down: Friends/You/Bling.
Challenge can be found here:


Sunday, 8 November 2015

1 photo, 20 words

The boy is on a roll, man of the match today!

So so proud..

Nichols trains with Response Goalkeeping on a Tuesday and has done for over a year now.  Last week he was so proud of himself as he finally won the "save of the day" trophy for a save very much worthy of it so I'm told!

Sunday, 1 November 2015


I've been watching various fb posts about a place called Kidzania in London that is a mini town for children.  The idea being that they can go and take part in various occupations and either get paid for them or pay to do them.  I was really intrigued by this concept so as today there was no bloomin' football match, the whole family set off early for our 10am slot at Kidzania!

I have to admit that after looking at all the maps and deciding what jobs the beasties' wanted to do most, the place was not as big as I thought it would be and the kids could quite easily go off on their own and not get lost and be safe. 

We'd planned for 4 activities each with a 5th as back up, but they got to do loads. As we had the first slot there was not so many people around, but even when it got busier later in the day it wasn't as manic as I had thought it would be. 

Flight Academy was first on the agenda..
 Cassandra and Alexander being pilots..
 Alex searching out a story as a journalist

 Nicholas as a radio presenter
 Lab Technician Cassie
Alex being a surgeon
 Cassie graduated with a degree in engineering!
 Alex as a postie
 Cassie delivery parcels
 Nicholas trying out being an air conditioning technician
Alex attempting to be an animator
Fav activity: Radio presenter
 Air hostess
Formula One pit crew member

A rather expensive day out, but I must admit it was worth it as all 3 loved it!