Tuesday, 28 December 2010


So it finally arrived...

A 3 kids were hyper as Lee and I were woken to the sounds of "He's been"!!!! at 7am.

Stockings over and done with it was time to venture downstairs to see what Santa had left each of them (Alex got his microscope, Nicholas his Razor sparks scooter and Cassandra a set of bunkbed with two dolls).

We then all went into the Den to the presse's we'd bought the kids and Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas for a little girl without Peppa Pig...

The boys being Wii mad at the moment, also loved their Need for Speed Hot Pursuit game.

Then mum arrived and it was more presents time!

Alex loved his night visioin googles the best!

Cassie, although in love with her new buggy and Tiny Tears doll, was looking pretty hot in her new sun glasses...

and Nicholas just had to make sure he hadn't missed any presents..

The boys then went outside to see if they could get to grips with their new skateboards Mum had bought them...

Lots of time to play all afternoon, but I was kind of glad when bedtime came around!


Boxing Day followed with a lovely day spent at John & Barbara's with the rest of the family and yet MORE presents!!

Alex, Nicholas, Cassandra, Hannah & Robert all enjoyed dishing them out (some to the right person, some not)...

but I think they all enjoyed opening them more (I know I did)!!

All over until next year....

Meeting the main man...

On Christmas eve this year, Lee and I took the children to see Father Christmas down at Polehill Garden Centre, Kent. Quite a way to go just to meet the man himself, but it was worth it...

After walking through a "winter wonderland" they got to sit in with him for a good chat about what they had asked him for and he also told them that they could only get up on Christmas day when it was light - 7.45am! yeah right...

Alex thought he was amazing...

Nicholas truly believed that he was the man himself...

And Cassie wasn't tooo sure, but accepted her present anyway!

It was a good morning out...

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Bit of a do...

Last night was our "work" Christmas do - Lee and I went to a Robbie Williams Tribute dinner/dance at the Cliffs Pavilion in Westcliff.

Despite the snow, we were assured all systems were go, so there I was last night at 7.15pm in the snow parading around in 3½" heels!

We made it in good time, and had a great evening - can't say much for the guy doing the tribute act, but after a few drinks, anyone would sound good I guess!

We had a good result though, as the guy doing to the tribute act wasn't the right guy - as he was stuck up in Leicester due to the snow, so further to my complaint, Lee and I are attending Tina Turner Tribute at the end of January!

Friday, 17 December 2010

Hiiiii -Ya!

So proud of our little man - he's been taking karate lessons since September and today got his orange belt!!

A perfect end to the school term :)

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

It's a baby!

Despite being postponed for a week due to the snow, Blenheim's lower school put on their Christmas production yesterday and today (and will be tomorrow night) - adeptly named "It's a baby"!

Alex was part of the choir but was also chosen as 1 of only 10 children to hold a Christingle during one of the numerous songs all the children had to learn.

Nicholas - well, he was a camel and his dance was just amazing and most amusing!

I was also so pleased that this year's show was based on the true story of Christmas...

I'm so proud of my two boys :)

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Despite Blenheim being the ONLY school that was open this week - and rightly so I hasten to add, we all had fun walking to and from school every day - snowballs and that. Pushing a buggy in 10" of snow was not my idea of fun however, and I ended up trading one child for two with a good friend of mine, some mornings and afternoons to get round the prob...

Today, however was fun time, so Lee and I took all 3 kids over to Blenheim park with the sledge...

This was Cassandra's first time in snow and she wasn't too sure to start with but did end up running around with the boys after a bit...

Lee joined in on the act and got a good arm workout pulling both boys in the sledge around the park!

After a while everyone got a bit cold, so we headed off home. Think Cassie enjoyed the ride home the best..

Monday, 8 November 2010

It's official...

Blenheim sent home all the children's official school photos the other week...

Not quite sure what Nicholas was looking at..

And Alexander was pulling a very silly smile...

You got to love 'em!!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

All Hallow's Eve...

Halloween came round all too quick and this year new costumes were the order of the day...

Nicholas was a Skeleton Pirate, Cass was origonally a witch, but then opted for the pumpkin, Alexander still loved his slightly too short Spider outfit.

As for me, this year, I became the Bride of Darkness!!!

I got together during half term and took the boys to Partyman with Michelle and her two and they had a great Halloween party, Nichoals got to go up on stage with Jimbo and I even won best dressed "Mummy"!

On Saturday 30th October, my good friend Tina had a party so we all trouped over the road for fun and games...

Then actually came 31st October and the boys and Lee had fun carving their pumpkins....

A session "Trick or Treating" was the final event...

I LOVE Halloween and I have loads of great photos to scrap now too!!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Autumn is officially here....

The second layout for Total Papercrafts this month is a deep orange colour, and not having any appropriate photos, we took the kids over to Thorndon Country park woods last weekend to see if we could get any good piccy's of them...

Lee didn't disappoint - armed with his new birthday toy, he got some great shots...

Roll on Wednesday - just got to pick "the one" to use now....

Friday, 8 October 2010

Our brave little man...

At the beginning of October, Alexander got his appointment through to go and have surgery on his ears.

He'd been having quite a lot of ear ache's and that for quite a while so after numerous appointments he finally got to have grommets put into both his ears.

He was SO brave, when the nurse came to put some cold cream stuff on his hard to numb it, and when he was being wheeled down to theatre, he was saying how much of an adventure it was.

Even when he was hooked up to all the machines that monitor him he was okay. It was me that had the wobbles..

I spent an anxious 45 mins in the cafe and bombed down to post-op when they called me. Alex was a little groggy and tearful, but slept for a bit and recovered quickly.

His hearing has def. improved and he's a changed person. It's like I've got my scrummy little boy back again - all cos of a wee bit of plastic in his ears!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

If you go down to the woods today...

Well, we didn't see any bears, or any other creatures really, bar a squirrel or two, but the long weekend we spent playing in the woods at the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire a few weeks ago was just fabby!

It has to have been one of our best "holidays" yet, all the kids loved walking through the woods, digging in the dirt, looking for crawlies, and generally running around in the leaves.

Alex and Nicholas enjoyed a couple of sessions with one of the rangers, learning about fungi and how to survive in the woods and Cassie simply toddled around!

Teamwork was the order of the day on Sunday when we found a good area and built a rather large den....

Can highly recommend it!!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Time to Learn...!?!

This year is just flying by and before I knew it, it was time to iron all the dam labels in the kids uniforms and send them off to school again.

Alex was going up into Year 2 - Mrs Whiley being his new teacher and after a few moments of apprehension, he was pleased to be back with his friends...

Nicholas is now my big boy and is now full time in Reception with Alex's old teacher Miss Stephens. He's already making new friends and is loving school.

That just leaves the days for my baby girl and I to go to swim school, Jo Jingles, see friends, and I also really need to find a play group to attend....

Summer Holidays 2010

The summer hols are over and done with and this year they seemed to go fast. Maybe it's cos we had a week away as a family to Butlins down in Bognor and then Mum and I took the kids for a week to Pontins at Gt Yarmouth.

As usual, I filled our weeks with activities from kite flying, trips to parks, out with friends and family, playdates out and playdates at home, days out for picnics, to the beach, to Promanade Park and to various play areas. Nicholas learnt how to ride his bike without stablisers and Alex got to go to yet another Fire Station open day!

And then, it was back to school...