So it finally arrived...
A 3 kids were hyper as Lee and I were woken to the sounds of "He's been"!!!! at 7am.
Stockings over and done with it was time to venture downstairs to see what Santa had left each of them (Alex got his microscope, Nicholas his Razor sparks scooter and Cassandra a set of bunkbed with two dolls).
We then all went into the Den to the presse's we'd bought the kids and Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas for a little girl without Peppa Pig...

The boys being Wii mad at the moment, also loved their Need for Speed Hot Pursuit game.
Then mum arrived and it was more presents time!
Alex loved his night visioin googles the best!

Cassie, although in love with her new buggy and Tiny Tears doll, was looking pretty hot in her new sun glasses...
and Nicholas just had to make sure he hadn't missed any presents..

The boys then went outside to see if they could get to grips with their new skateboards Mum had bought them...

Lots of time to play all afternoon, but I was kind of glad when bedtime came around!
Boxing Day followed with a lovely day spent at John & Barbara's with the rest of the family and yet MORE presents!!
Alex, Nicholas, Cassandra, Hannah & Robert all enjoyed dishing them out (some to the right person, some not)...