Thursday, 30 October 2014

Knives at the ready!

Every year after we've chosen all the pumpkins, Lee and the kids have a session of carving...
This year saw a trip down to Tesco and Nicholas almost falling in the crates of pumpkins to choose the one right at the bottom..
I'd bought everyone a new pumpkin carving kit and after pictures had been chosen, it was time to chop off the tops!
Lee worked hard on Cassandra's one of Trick or Treat, Nicholas did a great job of his ghost & Boo, Alex's fire monster turned out brilliantly and Cassandra and I worked well as a team to get her original Jack'O'Lantern done.
Tealights lit, we have a go for Friday :)


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Half term history trip

Ever since I'd heard about the poppies at the Tower of London, marking the 100th anniversary of WW1, I had wanted to take the kids up to see them.  I have a real "thing" about the next generation being aware of their history and I thought it was important for my kids to learn about what happend..
So, last Monday of half term, Mum and I ventured up to London and courtesy of my Tesco vouchers we all visited the Tower of London...
Amazing, stunning, poignant, spectacular... words just can't describe what the sea of blood red poppies look like..
Each one individually hand crafted, so no two are the same.  There are 3 shifts working around the clock to ensure that there is one poppy to represent each fallen hero by Remembrance Sunday.

 No trip to the Tower would be complete without a visit to see the crown jewels

or meeting a Beefeater!
 Wishful thinking!!!
Whilst looking around the Fusiliers museum, Alex who happened to have his Scout and Proud sweatshirt on, noticed a scout super imposed in one of the pictures!
 They all wanted their pic taken with a soldier - one of the Fusiliers...
Then on to cruise the Thames on a boat ride taking in Big Ben, the House of Parliament, St Paul's Cathedral, London Eye etc

A brief re-vist to the poppies and we were homeward bound...

A long tiring day, but boy was it worth it...


Friday, 24 October 2014

Fright Night!

I LOVE Halloween - and every year I dress up to and take the kids out to trick and treat.  This particular year a friend of mine had a halloween party and Alexander's favourite game was wrap the Mummy!
I used Sketches in Tyme's sketch for this layout as it suited perfectly...
Not long to enter as closing date in end of October!


I'm also entering this layout into Scrap and Play #12 - spooky challenge


I'm entering Red Carpet Studio's #81 - Haunted Mansion


He's Home!!!

Alexander had a GREAT time on his first ever school trip to Hilltop last week and these photos show just how much his siblings missed him!
I used the sketch from Sketches in Thyme..
Closing date is end of the month - so get in quick!


Friday, 17 October 2014

My boy is home :)

He arrived back later than scheduled, but all smiles when he did!
We were all there to greet him off the coach at school...first in was Cassandra, then Nicholas and then I got a hug whilst Lee grabbed his bag..
 He apparently had a great time and was really pleased he went.
So pleased to have you home baby boy.  We've all missed you tons!!


Tuesday, 14 October 2014


 My role as a Beaver Scout leader means getting involved and joining in with the Beavers, so when we decided to have a "celebration of Light - Diwali" evening yesterday, I wasn't surprised when Sue turned up with a friend's sari for me to wear to show the boys....
It only took Sue 10 minutes or so to fold it all and wrap it around me (quite an achievement). I thought I wore it well!??!


And he's off....

Yesterday was a hard day for me as I waved my eldest child off on his first ever trip with the school...

In Year 6 at Blenhim Primary school, the children can choose to go to Hilltop in Norfolk for a week (well, technically 5 days, that's 4 nights.... not that I'm counting)..  and Alex actually wanted to go which I was really pleased about as I thought it would do him good (?!)
So in the pouring rain we drove to school as normal and after his siblings said goodbye and went to class I stayed with Alex (and all the other parents in the main hall) to help him down with his case to the coach..
He was excited, but very nervous as although he's stayed at Mum's and overnight at friends' houses, he's never been away from home for that long on his own.. (Cub/Scout camp earlier this year didn't really count as I was there too).

He (and I) were doing really well, until they got on the coach and then they just sat there for a bit, the tears were welling up in both of us, but we managed to compose oursleves and smile lots and wave like silly people!

I REALLY hope he has a GREAT time....


On your marks, get set, bake!!!

Alex has wanted to be a chef for ages - but more recently he has been erring to the side of baking (I'm thinking the Great British Bake off may of had something to do with that), so when I found out that Earls Court were hosting the "Cake & Bake Show" we just had to go!

It was jam packed with every conceivable thing to do with baking - cup cupcakes, brownies, baking & cake making equipment, books etc etc... Alex was like a little kid in a sweet shop!
 There were free tastings, makings, practicing...
  I ended up buying him a new piping bag and nozzle set..
(This is just wrong)!!

It was a long day and at times I think he got a bit overwhelmed, but we had a great fun and got to spend some much needed 1:1 time with each other.


Monday, 13 October 2014

Scrap Much? October sketch challenge

D-na, d-na, d-na, d-na - Batman!

My photos of when I took the boys (and that includes the hubby) to see Batman Live! at the 02 were perfect for Scrap Much?'s sketch challenge this month..

ALL the boys love DC comic's Batman so seeing him fight off the Joker, the Riddler, Two-Face and dance around with Harlequin, whilst then escaping in the batmobile was just AWESOME!!

Loads of time still to enter as the closing date isn't until end of october


Saturday, 4 October 2014

Teacher Training day

The kids haven't been back at school that long, but they're already off again, as the teachers need to train...

So, Lee booked the day off and we all went to Chessington - courtesy of good ole Tesco vouchers!
 Nicholas' favourite ride had to be Tomb Blaster and he beat his high score too..
 I liked the Zafari ride
 Alex and Lee got to go on the water ride
 The new scorpion roller coaster

 Mum's favourite - the carousel!

 We all loved the ice creams
Always good to go to these places on an INSEt day, as we hardly queued for anything... A great day was had by all!
