Sunday, 31 December 2017


This year I have to admit that I wasn't really feeling the Christmas love... no idea why, but I tried hard to get in the spirit of things...
 The 3 beasties had a great few days though and loved their Santa gifts of Google Home Mini's!
 Wands and
 Plastic bottles
 and gardening gloves seemed to go down well..
 Then we had a brief visit from an over grown elf!!!
Boxing day saw us over at the in-laws for our traditional Boxing Day meal of cold turkey and chips!

Christmas also seemed to go on a bit this year, thanks to seeing friends on 27th and Lisa, Greg and the twins on 28th.  Thank you everyone for our wonderful gifts - much appreciated.

Can the decorations come down yet?  Oh, they already are!!!


My little model...

The week before Christams I took Cassandra up to London to Next Fashion for a "day in the life of a model" photo shoot.
 I'd sent both hers and Nicholas' photos off to the agency back in November and whilst both got chosen, Cassandra was the only one that wanted to take part.
So she spent the morning having her hair styled, make done and posing for various photos by a professional photographer
We had to take a number of different outfits and accessories ourselves and she really enjoyed herself.

So, after discussions, Cassandra is now registered with Front Models.  This merely gives her the opportunity for modelling/magazine/TV work.  Something or nothing may come of it, but at least she now has the chance...


Friday, 22 December 2017

In London at Christmas

Lee finished work for Christmas on Wednesday, so yesterday we took the 3 beasties up to London. 

 First stop was a small Christmas market near Tower Bridge..
Waffles, crepes and double chocolate brownies were in order..

Then came the main reason for our trip - a visit to the largest Toy shop - at Christmas - Hamleys!!! 
As you can imagine, they had almost an entire floor dedicated to everything Star Wars!
We even visited Carnaby Street on our way home, the lights everywhere in the West End were just amazing..

The best bit - my new Christams Bauble - in pride of place on our tree.

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Pre-Christmas Christmas!

Every year my Mum "hosts" a Pre-Christams Christmas at her house.  The last two years though she's kindly taken us out to dinner and today we found ourselves at the Old Walnut Tree in Southend.

 Gorgeous food and attentive staff made for a very enjoyable dinner.

Back to Mum's for a goodie bag each of what Mum calls "silly gifts" but we all love what she gets us - especially the kids!  The glasses were a big hit as were the snowball fight kits!
Beasties my 3 were today with the arguing, but you gotta love 'em!

Many thanks Mum x


Wednesday, 13 December 2017

She did it!

So after months and months of practicing and practicing, Cassandra was finally rewarded yesterday, with her pen licence for school!
Way to go little lady!


Saturday, 2 December 2017

Tuesday, 21 November 2017


I've always wanted to visit Ireland - home of the leprechaun, clover and Guinness.  So the weekend just gone, I took everyone with me and we flew out from Southend to Dublin!
 Ed Sheeran eat your heart out - Graffen Street!
 Hop on Hop off bus ride
 We didn't stop, but no tour would be complete without visiting the Guinness factory..
 Christchurch Cathedral
 Mr Simms sweet shop - even in Ireland!!
 Saturday evening, we went to Dublin Zoo for the Chinese inspired light show, it was just amazing!!

On Sunday, we hired a car and Lee drove us all up to Belfast to spend the day going around the Titanic Quarter.  I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!
I've had an interest in the Titanic for years and to go to where she was built was just fabby...
The exhibition was great, even the ride!

We then visited SS Nomadic - the only WhiteStar tender left that had been refurbished as a tourist attraction.
Cassandra and I even dressed up as 2nd class passengers...
I had to of course ensure that each of the beasties wouldn't have drowned (froze maybe, but not drowned).
 We then all sat down for tea - posh class of course
 One of the small funnels on the tender
 I got to steer the boat!!!

The best bit of the whole weekend had to be when Alex and I went to visit the dry dock that Titanic was actually built in...

It was just MASSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although not very wide..  I can't believe that we were actually standing where she was built.  The actual supports are still there.. I touched one, where her huge hull once sat...
To me, that was the highlight of our trip.

Oh, and spending time with the family (of course)!
