Well, another year has gone by and I'm another year older - pushing 40 now as one of my "friends" told me last Tuesday....
I had a really lovely day. The boys including Lee (and Cassie) spoilt me rotten with cards and pressies including a brill hand painted picture of Edward Cullan and Bella Swan (Twilight for those not in the know) CSI for the PC - I get to be a forensic specialist and solve crimes - how cool is that?!, DVD's and I'd already had my main pressie of tickets to go and see the FANTASTIC Dirty Dancing stage show up in London. That, however was not all, as Lee took me out on Saturday and bought me a Pandora braclet from Niche the jewellers in Leigh. As I also had some money for my birthday, I bought two beads and a spacer for it - I also have a wish list set up there if anyone is stuck for a pressie for me!!!!
Mum got me so fabby scrapping stuff including the album I wanted, and some brill slipper boots - in the hope I don't fall down any more stairs wearing my socks!!!
My friends also did me proud with vouchers, books, smellies etc etc and Rachel even took me out for breakfast the following day - yummy!!
Finally, we all (including the kids) went out to dinner at the Bell for an early bird carvery.
A very enjoyable day to say the least.
Thank you to everyone!!!!