Tuesday, 31 October 2017


At Blenheim Primary school, they have ASPIRE values.  Each letter stands for a word to aspire too.  Achievement, Support, Perseverance, Independence, Respect, Enthusiasm.
This term, Support is key and the other week when I took Cassandra to Hopefield Animal Sanctuary in Brentwood, she adopted a neglected horse called Spirit. She received a photo of Spirit, some info on him and what Hopefield do etc etc.
On Sunday, I took, Mum, Alex and Cassie to Hopefield for their Halloween event which was actually very good and despite his protests, Alex enjoyed himself too...Biscuit decorating, painting, raffles, tombolas and other craft made for a lovely afternoon.

Mum even made friends with the driver of the spooky bus...

So yesterday, first day back at school, Cassie took her photo and paperwork into school to tell everyone about her support of Spirit and Hopefield.

Love my compassionate girlie.


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Success - at a cost...

Well being so poorly has its upside?  I lost 5.5 lb's last week and was awarded Slimmer of the Week at Group and I also received my 1 stone loss award!
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It's good, but think I would rather have not been that ill!


So proud of Alex the other week as he attended with a few other scouts from his group a weekend's caving experience down in Somerset.
I wasn't totally convinced he would like it, and I wasn't that surprised when he got home and said he was never doing it again, having got stuck and a been a little claustrophobic. 
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However, he was proud he got through it and now has another badge to be sewn onto his Scout shirt!
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Very well done young man!

So Proud!!

Cassandra has had a bit of a bumpy road in her scouting journey..
However I was so pleased to attend Southend West District's Awards Presentation with Lee, Mum and the beastie boys the other week to see her receive her Bronze Award.

 Scouting has so much to offer all young people that I really hope she stays in...



So I've been soooo ill this half term that without my wonderful Mum, my kids would have just been indoors all the time.

Nicholas walked himself over to Len Forge on Monday for a day of football, specifically for goalies and a few Club scouts were invited.

Proudly being No.18 he got stuck in - who knows if we will hear anything?!
Dam, my boy is gorgeous!!!

Thank you Mum for picking him up.


Tudor Day

All term Cassandra has been looking forward to her Tudor Banquet for me to go down with Vertigo, so I couldn't attend with her.  Whilst disappointed, she was happy that Nannie kindly stepped in for me.

The morning had been planned to included singing, dancing and activities.  All children were encouraged to dress up in traditional era clothing and Cassie LOVED her Tudor dress!

  She also enjoyed making a bracelet, a crown and masks.

 Thank you so so much for going along and supporting her Mum!


Soooooooooooooooooooo Poorly....

I haven't blogged much over the last week or so as I've been really really poorly.

I went down with an attack of vertigo last week and haven't been 100% since.  3 days of throwing up, not eating and feeling dizzy and sick took their toll in the respect that I pulled a muscle in my neck whilst reeching and now have a trapped nerve :(
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What a great Half Term - not!


Sunday, 15 October 2017

The Scraproom Blog - Freaky Fast Friday - I love you Nannie

Alex has always loved building and making things with brick - be them building ones or lego.  One sleepover at Nannie's he got all the building bricks out and made a message for Nannie.
Loved this idea from last month, so thought I'd give it ago this month too..

Challenge closes 31st October 2017.  Photos of layouts are actually uploaded to their facebook group.


Stuck? Sketch Challenge - Duxford

The sketch over at Stuck? was perfect for some photos of the family visit to Duxford Air Museum. 

29th October is when you have to enter this challenge..

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Sketches in Thyme Sketch Challenge 296 - Cassandra's official Yr2 School photo

I've always loved a sketch and this one from Sketches in Thyme was just perfect for Cassandra's Official Yr2 school photo from a couple of years ago (still behind)!

Challenge closed end of October..

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Lottie Loves Paper and Community Kits Sketch Challenge - Snug as a Bug

I'm a member of the FB group "Lottie loves Paper and Community Kits" and I'm entering this layout of Alex and Cassie into one of their sketch challenges this month.

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They have quite a few, that all close at the end of October.


Sketch n Scrap #138 - Bronze Award

I'm still soooooooo behind with my layouts of the kids, but I managed to use the sketch over at Sketch n Scrap for Nicholas being presented with his Scouting Bronze Award a couple of years ago by the District Commissioner at Barleylands in Billericay.

I didn't use the vertical strip as it would have distracted from the photos, but I'm pleased with the end result.

Challenge closes at the end of October.


GoGoGetaway October Challenge - Sailing Away

The Scrapbooking retreats that Mum and I sometimes go on are run by GoGo and their FB challenge this month is to be inspired by different elements.

My biggest challenge on this one was using watercolours.. not really my thing, but I gave it a go!
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I was really pleased how the page came out and I'm loving my piece of rope!

Challenge can be found on GoGo's FB page..

Friday, 6 October 2017

Let's Get Sketchy October 1 Challenge - Don't Just Fly, Soar!

Sneaked in a wee bit of scrappin' this morning at Mum's whereby I managed to get this layout completed of Alexander and Cassandra at Scouts Renewal of Promise a few years ago.
I was particularly pleased that I managed to use a patterned paper for the entire background too..
This is the sketch I worked to.

Challenge closes 30th October, so plenty of time to enter.