Saturday, 1 November 2008


I couldn't believe it when I got the call to say that I'd won 2 tickets to the Essex premiere of Quantum of Solace - so in true Bond sytle, Lee and I got dressed up and walked the red carpet to see one of the most anticipated movies of this year.

We weren't disappointed. Saying that, it really helped the film if you'd seen Casino Royale as this one carried on almost immediatly after it, with all the explosions and special effects you come to expect from a Bond film. Daniel craig, although not my fav Bond - that title has to go to Mr gorgeous Pierce Brosnon, is an exceptionally good 007, bringing a more darker side to the man...

Recommened? I'd say so!!!

Sunday, 26 October 2008

I'm home!

Got home safe and sound from Guildford and Scrappers Paradise. I had a truly fabby time and my thanks go to Natalie & Alison and my wonderful IT support chocoholic who despite my constant "is the printer working"? questions didn't stress at me once!!

I had a great time, the shop was brill andI spent far too much!

I got 19 layout's completed and another 2 mid way through. I'll take some photos tomoorrow and put a few up to show.

Off to spend the eve with the hubster.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

School Photo

Alex was on holiday the day the school took their class photo so with some careful editing, I'm going to insert him into the group photo - watch this space!

Yet more scrappin!

Well, this weekend I'm free!!! That sounds really bad, but I get a whole weekend just to sit and scrapbook to my little heart's content - I'm off to Scrappers Paradise in Guildford on Friday, will return in time to bath and put the boys to bed on Sunday. I'm well looking forward to it - got my photos ready (not) for the classes and I've a few ideas on my challenge layouts. All I've got to do now is remember how to get there .....!

Thursday, 16 October 2008

More scrappin

I finished my layout last night and I'm well pleased with it - thanks again to Karen for the cutting of the swirl! Want to put a picy of it up here, but need to suss out how to to do that!

Sorting out photos today (Mum has Nichoals) for the all day crop on Sunday and weekend of heaven next weekend!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Well I got some of my two double page layout's done tonight, many thanks to Karen for cutting two of the flowers out and to Mum in advance for the other two!

I even got my challenge layout for Southend Scrappers done when i was round at Mum's this afternoon - so i'm well pleased about that too.

Got a lazy day tomorrow, just me and my youngest all day :)

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

It's been a while, but I've just had my blog header "professionally" designed - wonderful girl called Jo (can provide email details if anyone wants them) who simply noted what I kind of wanted and did a fabby job and I'm really pleased!

Spent time tonight at a Governor mtg at Alex's school and then the rest of the night printing off photos for tomorrow's crop layout - it comes around so quick!

Well, off to bed now, night!

Thursday, 17 July 2008

I'm getting there - with a little help from the hubby!

Had fun tonight adding a few things to my blog page - have now got the ole Southend Scrappers logo/link on and a music link too. It's fun!??!?!

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

I'm a blogger!

Well, I'm up and running - just got to get to grips with it all!!