Sunday, 26 May 2019

Family - Sketches in Thyme Sketch Challenge #374

I think I've only ever scrapped one other 8x10” photo and I found that extremely difficult, which is why when I saw the challenge at Sketches in Thyme to use an 8x10" photo I thought of this one that my Father-in-Law gave me a year or so ago.
I used my collection of emoji papers  and pretty much kept to the sketch.

Challenge runs until the end of May:


Sugar and Spice - Stick it Down Single page challenge

I've been meaning to scrap these two small photos of Cassie and her friends for ages, and this sketch challenge for May over at Stick it Down worked well for them.
Cassie has always loved dressing up, so when one of her school friends' had a Star Wars themed birthday party, her and another friend, Emma, went as Princess Leia and Rey, complete with lightsabres (although Leia never actually used one in the films).

Challenge only runs until the end of the month


Kidzania 2015 - SketchNScrap 176

So I'm still way behind in my scrappin' but I'm using lots of the sketch challenges to get going.

This sketch was the one that is being used over at SketchNScrap.

As usual, I have far too many photos, but I tried to keep to the sketch, albeit it's a little busy for a single page..

Challenge is only up until end of the month


Saturday, 25 May 2019

I LOVE mud

I've always have LOADS of double layouts to do, so the Double Page challenge over at Stick it Down is proving quite beneficial for me.
I have 3 kids that all took part in a huge bi-yearly organised mud run back in 2015, and I have finally managed to scrap at least one of them following the sketch below:

I flipped the way the sketch went, but I'm quite pleased with the end result.

Challenge is only open until the end of the month..


Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Birthday Boy !

So I now have a 10 year old stroppy little moo, an accident prone 13 year old and a rather tall (6f 3") 15 year old Sith Lord living in the house!
Lee and I bought Alex a Cadet ZooKeeper experience for his birthday and so on Bank Holiday Monday, we all ventured off to Colchester Zoo.  Lee, Nicholas and Cassie explored whilst Alex and I got to "go behind the scenes" so to speak.
He felt quite important!
 He got to talk to the penguins..
 Chat to the African Crowned Crane
 Hold the barn owl..
Take the ring-tailed coati for a walk around the zoo..
 Chat to Flapjack - the pancake tortoise...
And feed a stingray!!

He had such a good time and so did I. 

Happy birthday gorgeous boy!


Friday, 3 May 2019

Birthday girl

10 years - Cassandra is now in double figures!!!  My little girl is growing fast...
So this year, as I do like doing something different, Cassie had a "Boogie Bounce" party complete with surprise slime making. 
Not sure which bit she enjoyed the most!
She'd invited 20 friends, some of which gave up their usual Friday night activities to come along and celebrate with her - but a great time was had by all.
 Many thanks to my friend Jo for staying and being the "adult"!
