Sunday, 14 June 2015

Fun day!

Being a Beaver Scout leader is so rewarding, and yesterday Sue and I took our Beaver Scouts along with about 50 others on a coach to Skreens in Chelmsford for the bi-anual Beaver Scout Fun day.
This year it was a circus theme and it was just brilliant!  There was a huge "big top" that was a craft tent with over 12 different circus themed crafts to make and do - Cassandra loved her lion mask!
 In the main field was a whole area of circus skills to be learnt..
 and on site she tried her hand at fencing,
 climbing & absailing
 cross bows,
 a jacobs ladder
And amongst other activities, took part in the space hopper race!

All the beavers had a great day and I'm proud to be part of an organisation that offers so much to young people..

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