Sunday, 11 May 2014

No limits...

Alexander will be going to Hilltop Activity Centre up in Norfolk in October next year with the school (his first school trip - will cover that issue at a later date).  Hilltop is very much like a scout camp - lots of outdoor activities from assault courses, climbing, abseiling, archery etc..  They also have a high ropes course...

Alexander doesn't particulary like heights, so to assist him with this fear before he goes away, I enlisted the help of my good friend Sue Davis and her kids and we booked up the high ropes course over at Belchamps today.
 Alexander was BRILLIANT, he never gave in and did the whole course - twice!

Then he confirmed that he did indeed want to try the "leap of faith" - I thought the biggest challenge he would have was actually climbing the very wobbly pole (it was quite windy) and getting onto the platform at the top...
 With a little assistance from Owain...
Alex however, despite his fear, made it look easy!
 Once at the top, he had to actually stand up...
 And then JUMP!!!!!
It took 5 attempts, but he kept on trying and on the last try, he succeed.  He jumped off the platform and caught hold of the bar!!

I'm so pleased for him as kids can be so nasty when someone can't do something and Alex will no doubt have a tough time anyway, so I'm just soooooooooooo proud that he conquered this one - and no one will be able to make fun of him :)

My eternal thanks for all the encouragement Sue, Owain and Abbi gave him.


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