Monday 29 July 2013

Back to basics - not!

Lee has cancelled training for 5 weeks over the hols and thus, two of those weeks, I've booked for us to go camping - got to get some use of the HUGE tent we bought!  So, the Friday the kids broke up we all packed up and headed off to Waldegraves, West Mersea.

 A good team effort in putting up the tent, saw us all unpacked in record time!

The next morning, Alex was keep to help "cook" and make tea using our little camping stove, and his efforts may have been more successful than mine when it came to the toast!

Lee enjoyed his sausage sandwich though!

 Saturday saw us venture down to the beach, and whilst too cold and stoney, Lee did manage to get this "artsy fartsy" shot of me stepping on Nicholas!!!
 That afternoon saw the kids in the pool - far too cold for me!
and a few games of swing ball ensured my right arm hurt afterwards!
Saturday night we ventured down to the marina to see the boats and after a farily good night's kip we came home on Sunday.  Just enough time to wash and re-pack as I was taking the kids and my Mum off up to Gt Yarnmouth for the week!


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