Last Monday saw us meeting up with some other Mum's from school over at Promanade Park in Maldon.
It was touch and go whether we actually went or not due to the weather, but it held out for us and we all had a fun time.
Tuesday saw Alexander at Mad Science camp being held at school.
Alex loves his science and whilst it's quite expensive, it one of the few things Alex is really interested in and he goes every summer for a day or two. Today was all about chemistry....
That left Nicholas, Cassandra and I to amuse ourselves for a bit until the afternoon when Mum came over for tea and to babysit as Lee and I went to see Batman - The Dark Knight Rises.
Lee has been looking forward to this film for what seems like forever and the wait was worth it. I have one word.... FANTASTIC!!!!!
On Wednesday, Alexander was back at Science camp and Cassandra was at nursery - so although a day with just Nicholas and I, I had my Avon delivery to sort, so I invited Jack Duce over to play and I never really saw either of them for a good couple of hours! The two boys play so nicely together it's great. I'm so pleased they are both in the same class next year....
After Science club, I picked Alexander up and drove him to Mum's for a 2 night sleep over - I alwasy try and schedule one in each holidays - Mum and Alex just love spending time with each other and now Alex is getting older, they can do so much...
Thursday morning, I had an appointment at our house to sign up a new rep to my Avon team ..
Then just after lunch, Nicholas had been invited to play in a friendly football tournament for Soccer Hub who he trains with on a Wednesday.
So along we went only to be told the team they were supposed to be playing had cancelled that morning, so they were going to just play the kids who were at soccer school that day. Great - not. The Soccer Hub elite beat the other kids 9-1!!!!
Nichols then went over to Charmaine's for his first "other-than-Nannie's-house-sleep-over" with Jack and I didn't hear or see him until 9.30am the next morning! Was very very strange with only Cassandra in the house that evening though..... I actually missed my boys :) LOL!
Friday was the big day - after dropping Cassandra at nursery, collecting Nicholas from over the road and dropping him at Soccer Hub for training, I meet up with Mum and Alex and we all went off to Lakeside to see if we had a "go" for my laser eye surgery that's already been deferred 3 times...
After hanging around for over an hour and having had various tests I got the all clear and before I knew it I was in and it was done! Terrifying wasn't the word, don't get me wrong, it's not like you're sitting there and can see this red laser about to zap you, but it's rather scary, just glad it's all over very quickly!
I was a bit teary afterwards and it was hard to keep my eyes open, so I simply went home and went to bed - leaving the 3 kids in the capable hands of Mum and then Lee.
I felt lots better in the morning and my eye sight is amazing. I can see what everyone else can without my glasses! Optical Express do a referral scheme to, so if anyone is thinking about it, let me know as I have vouchers that can get money off the treatment!!!
Saturday Lee was on his FA Coaching course so it was just me and kids, thank the Lord for Mum who came over and played taxi to dropping Nicholas and Sam to football training (that Richard Knight - Freddie's Dad) was taking this week, and then driving me into town to have my aftercare appointment. All good, so we came home and just played.
In the evening I took the kids and Mum to my friend Debbie's Dad's 90th birthday party she had organised - more of a tea party than a rave, but she's done it brilliantly - a real British theme with lots of teapots and china teacups, plates of biscuits and an old timer singing away.
Whilst Lee was on his coaching course all day again, today saw us over at the Tudor Day at Southchurch Hall park with my good friend Rachel and her two kids Calum and Niamh. Everyone was dressed up and was giving a good history lesson. They all had fun finding the clues to the quiz, listening to a guy play the era's musical instruments, making crowns and having a go at archery.
McD's for lunch and then back to ours for a play (due to the rain) rounded off the day.
or, so I thought, until Lee got in and we all went down to the seafront to skim stones and have an ice cream - Rossi of course!
A great end to the week and almost into Summer Hols week 3!!!!

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