Monday, 7 May 2018

Gidey up!

For the last few years Cassandra has loved to ride.  I was looking back over some photos the other week and she first sat on a horse and rode when she was only 3 years old..
She's been having sessions during the holidays at Belfairs Riding school, but is no nearer to getting to having regular ones.

So, after a plea on facebook, yesterday, Cassandra went over to ride Jaffa - a lovely male horse belonging to a lady called Abbie who loans him out for students to learn to ride on.  Cassie was under the watchful eye of Claire who is now going to be teaching her to ride, jump and possibly take part in competitions.

Jaffa was a lovely friendly horse and Cassie was thrilled to be riding him and even more excited to know that she'll be doing this on a regular basis!

Safety first - every rider need a hat.  I did however take out a bonus loyalty card at Ingatestone Saddlery.. I'm thinking I may be back there again....!


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