Monday, 7 May 2018

Birthday boy!

I have to admit I had a bit of a meltdown on Friday.. Why? 'Cos Alexander turned 14. 

14!!!!!!!  I'm feeling old.....
He had a good birthday, I think, despite having to be at school, but is looking forward to building his remote control car and then racing it!

Alex was born on 4th May - which is, as any true fan knows, Star Wars Day, and the staff at our "local pub" the Walnut Tree in Southend had all dressed up for the occasion.  Alex for one was rather appreciative!

Mum bought him his own flint and steel which he then promptly went out into her garden and built a mini fire!!!

The weekend saw Alex stepping up into a leadership role at 1st Rayleigh's Scout Patrol Camp.  He came home a day early to spend today revising as he has exams all next week, but he had a brilliant time as it was a back to basics camp - putting up tents, cooking, fire lighting, pioneering etc!!


 Next weekend will see him and Lee taking part in one of his birthday gifts....

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