Monday 7 May 2018

Birthday girl...

So for Cassandra's 9th birthday, I held her a small "spa day/pamper party".  None of that make up lark, way to young for all that, but 5 guests and her was a lovely amount of young ladies to pampe.
 They made their own fruit based face masks..
 Laid in the sun..
 Had a "professional" facial by my friend and therapist Louise..
 Had a lovely bubbly footspa and pedicure..
 Had a maincure and their nails painted..
And the total surprise, got to splash and relax in a hot tub that I'd hired for them all!
 Birthday cake..
And a group sleepover rounded off her party. 

And then she was very happy on her actual birthday with gifts from Lee and I, Nana and Grandad and others and then dinner out with all of us and Mum too :)
Happy birthday little lady,you are growing up way to fast...

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