Bearing in mind they've already been off for a week, there are still 6 LONG weeks to go... so...
Cassandra spent two afternoons this week undertaking and passing her Level 1 bikeability - way to go!!
Both Nicholas and Cassandra are registered on the Summer Reading Challenge and 'cos they read over the week were away, have their first 2 stickers
Tuesday evening saw Mum and I over at the Bull in Hockley celebrating our good friends' Karen and Brian's Pearl wedding anniversary. Was a lovely meal and it was great to catch up with everyone.
Wednesday saw Alex undertake his junior driving that he had had as a birthday gift. 12 and driving a car....?!
Alex has made a friends with a great young man called Louis - who is in many of his classes at school. I can't remember the last time it happened, but this week, Alex had his friend over for a sleepover.
There has also been much Warhammer 40k painting...
Ant farm building and hours spent trying to catch ants!?!?
And LOADS of fun and splashing around in the pool
Week 1 is done - happy days...

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