Tuesday, 14 October 2014

On your marks, get set, bake!!!

Alex has wanted to be a chef for ages - but more recently he has been erring to the side of baking (I'm thinking the Great British Bake off may of had something to do with that), so when I found out that Earls Court were hosting the "Cake & Bake Show" we just had to go!

It was jam packed with every conceivable thing to do with baking - cup cupcakes, brownies, baking & cake making equipment, books etc etc... Alex was like a little kid in a sweet shop!
 There were free tastings, makings, practicing...
  I ended up buying him a new piping bag and nozzle set..
(This is just wrong)!!

It was a long day and at times I think he got a bit overwhelmed, but we had a great fun and got to spend some much needed 1:1 time with each other.


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