Thursday, 6 September 2012

Scrappin' challenges: ScrapFit - warm up 31

Again, looking to get my scrappin' mojo back so this challenge entry is for ScrapFit's warm up challenge 31 - to use only patterned papers for the background of a layout - no cardstock!

This is their link if you would like to enter...

I used a photo of the boys when we were in the Forest of Dean and had a lovely piece of corner patterned paper that I then flicked paint all over to make it a little more interesting!  I love working with patterned papers, so I really enjoyed this challenge!



Lynn said...

Your layout is very lovely. Your paper choice, the twine, and butterflies are a nice complement to each other.
Thanks for working out with us at ~ScrapFIT~

Missy Whidden said...

What a gorgeous page! I love how you stitched the two pieces creative! I'm so glad you worked out with us at ScrapFIT!

Infinity97 said...

Aw thanks very much - I enjoyed this challenge... Sx