Sunday, 6 May 2012

Robin Hood....

The year before last the kids (well, lee really) decided that they wanted to go and stay in the woods in a tree house, so we went to The Forest of Dean for a long weekend - albeit not to stay in a tree house (far too expensive).  I thought they would be totally bored, but they loved it, so this year when they mentioned it again, I booked for us to go to Sherwood Forest up in Nottingham for a long weekend.

The kids loved it and considering Cassie was only 2, we didn't get the buggy out once and she did very well walking the routes and in the April showers too.  Jumping in muddy puddles just like Peppa Pig was most fun..

There was lots of mapped out walks, with lots of activity play/climbing areas on route - the boys were in their element (Lee too)!

Nicholas did like the fact he had wellie boots on!

We walked and we built a den - had to be done in the middle of the woods!!

We also took part in a Ranger led Activity and the kids had to go out into the woods and identify trees, bugs, leaves and search for animal footprints too.  On route they had to collect stuff that they then brought back and used to make stuff.  We all had a great craft time, Lee on the other hand prefered to sit with his cup of Costa Coffee and chill...!

After a hard days' walking, it was back to our lovely cabin and into the HOT TUB!!!!   Oh yes... That will be a purchase for home when we win the lottery!

Lee of course, being a keen photographer was ever on the lookout for that "perfect wildlife shot" and got a rather good one, or two, or a few dozen of our friendly squirrel...

We even went to see the "Major Oak" which is supposedly a rather large hollow tree that Robin Hood hid in back in his day.

Of course, we all had to have a turn at shooting a few arrows, the kids loved it, but I was on top form and hit the deer!

A few tree climbing events and it was time to come home...  Despite the constant rain, it was a good long weekend holiday for us all :)

Sharon xx

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