Monday 8 August 2011

Week 2.....

And the summer hols continue..

This week saw us on Monday meet up with some of the other Mum's and kids from school. We all ventured over to Promanade Park at Maldon. It was a beautiful day so all the kids managed to get a session in the splash area and the pirate sand ship was a big success as always too...

On Tuesday, Mum and I took the kids to Tropical Wings - Nicholas' choice as he'd been there recently with his class on his school trip. Although we had a nice time, the kids all played up so much we came home earlier than planned, which was disappointing, but hey ho..

Cassie so didn't like the big chickens!!!

On Wednesday, Alex came over with her little boy Harrison to play with Nicolas and Alex and her daughter Courtney came too. This was a golden opportunity knocking as I signed them up as one of my team for Avon! Hope they do REALLY well...

Thursday was the day Lee finally came home from South Africa and it was great to have him home. He had a GREAT time at Kruger National park and took over 3,000 photos - I'm soooooooooo looking forward to seeing all of them!!!

On Friday after dropping Cassie at Nursery and doing some "gem work" (6 weeks is far to long for kids not to do any work over the hols), I took the boys to Rayleigh Mega Play for Nicholas to play with Niamh in the soft play area and Alex to go for a game of quaser with Calum. They all had a good time and Rachel and I got to sit and have a good ole chat and catch up..

The weekend finally arrived and Saturday was my day off - a well deserved day of scrapbooking at Jackie's crop in Benfleet and I had a wonderful day and got LOADS of pages completed.

Sunday saw us driving over to Tiptree for a late BBQ lunch with Claire and Graham and their 2 kids - (Nicholas has a "thing" for their daughter, Eloise) and despite the rainy weather everyone had a lovely day.

So, onwards to week 3 - I may just get through these 6 weeks yet....


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