Wednesday, 10 August 2011

We find, we loose....

The saga of the guinea pigs is far from over..

To cut a long story short, we got two guinea pigs last Monday - Muffin and Donught. Within 3 hours of having them, one had squirmed it's way out of my hands and escaped! Then came the entire rest of the day trying to catch the dam thing. We put rows of food out, Tina cameover and we tried to find it under the shed, I brought the other one in, left the cage open, etc etc, but no return...

Tuesday came and went and Nicholas was getting more upset. So Tuesday night I said to him that Donught was probably off on an adventure with a new little mouse friend or something and we'd go and get him a new pig the following day.

Which is what we did, another £25 later, Biscuit settled in nicely...

But then a couple of hours later - Donught was spotted - hiding under the hutch - so then came the palava of trying to entice him into the "squirral trap" that we'd bought (another £20) which we finally did. So now we have 3 guinea pigs - Biscuit now being Cassie's...

Well, actually not. As on Sunday, I'd put all 3 guinea pigs in their run that we'd bought, but Lee had moved it from where I'd placed it. So we come home from spending the day with friends, to find that Muffin had escaped - gone under the run and through the gap as our garden is not entirely flat. So now I have Alex all upset....

Despite us doing all the same things as last time, Muffin is still on the loose...

Think it may cost me ANOTHER £25 to get another dam guinea pig at the weekend at this rate...


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