Wednesday 29 June 2016

Blenheim Sports Day

This was my last year of having "double whammy" as I call it - spending ALL day at school watching KS1 (Cassandra) in the morning and then watching KS2 (Nicholas) in the afternoon.  Still the weather held out - it didn't rain and wasn't as hot as last year either.

Cassie was excited from the moment she woke up - "It's sports day, it's sports day and I'm in Green Team" was the chant.  Her enthusiasm is infections and they did really well, coming 2nd overall!

Nicholas on the other hand had the hump the day before when he found out that he was in Green Team too, but he was in with all the kids that according to him "couldn't run or throw or catch a ball"!
Not that my kids are competitive or anything!

He still gave it his all, but his fears were true when the Green Team came last overall in KS2...

Another major school event over... It's nearly the end of term...


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