Wednesday, 29 June 2016


Life has been more than manic of late... Lee and the boys were involved in a car accident the other week, resulting in no broken bones, but Lee and Alex suffering from whiplash and Lee's car being written off.  So more expense and more hassle to now replace that (thank you to my in-laws for the loan of Barbara's car for the week).

I had a lovely weekend scrapbooking up at Hemel Hempstead a couple of weeks ago, but felt a little lost as Mum had only just got back from Florida that weekend, so didn't come with me.  Still, I maanged my project of my 2011 Disney album which has spurred me to to want to go back.  So, all things going to plan (when do they ever)? 2018 it will be for us - the new Star Wars land will be built by then too!

The big UK decision of whether to leave or stay within the Euopean Union has proved stressful with people all over voicing their opinion and getting angry with those that are of the opposite view.

There has been football, work, Scouts, Foodbank, Choir, Scuba diving, more football, Dr appointments, swimming, Euro 2016, trips away, and the usual kids activities - all of which seem to be getting on top of me lately... And then there is 15th July 2016.  OU Results day..

It's just never ending... or that's how it feels sometimes.

Onwards and upwards.


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